Industry Statistics - Gaming

Industry Statistics

  • Gaming Tax Returns are due on the 15th of the month. If the 15th falls on a weekend or holiday, the filing deadline is the next business day.
  • Statistics are presented a statewide and city-by-city basis.
  • Statistics are typically posted on or about the 20th of each month.
  • The Division of Gaming is prohibited by law from releasing statistics for individual casinos. 
Current Fiscal Year to Date *updated 3.25.25


Black Hawk.pdf.xls
Central City.pdf.xls
Cripple Creek.pdf.xls


Colorado Gaming Rule 14 statistics
Colorado Gaming Rule 14Format
Electronic Promotional Credit (EPC) Reporting.pdf.xls


Monthly Gaming Statistics
July 2024.pdf.xls
August 2024.pdf.xls
September 2024.pdf.xls
October 2024.pdf.xls
November 2024.pdf.xls
December 2024.pdf.xls
January 2025.pdf.xls
February 2025.pdf.xls
Previous Fiscal Years
2024 | 2023 | 20222021 | 2020 |2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011
Statistical Summaries (updated 10.3.2024)

Statistical summaries are provided on a calendar year and fiscal year basis. The fiscal year runs from July 1 to June 30. Gaming taxes are collected on a fiscal year basis.

These summaries are updated annually. 
Calendar Year Summary.xls.pdf
Fiscal Year Summary .xls.pdf
Monthly Detail by Calendar Year.xls 
Tax Rates

Current Gaming Tax Rates, which became effective July 1, 2012, are:

Tax Rate as of July 1, 2012Adjusted Gross Proceeds (AGP)
0.25%$0 - $2 million
2%$2 million - $5 million
9%$5 million - $8 million
11%$8 million - $10 million
16%$10 million - $13 million
20%Above $13 million

For historical tax rates, please see the most recent copy of the Fact Book & Abstract (below).

Gaming Update
Previous Years
Fact Book & Abstract

This is an overview of the Colorado Gaming Industry, published annually, by the Division of Gaming.

2023 2022 | 20212020 | 2019 | 2018201720162015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 

Division Financial Statements

Current Fiscal Year 2025 Financial Statements (unaudited) 

Gaming: July | August | September | October | November | December 

Sports Betting: July | August | September | October | November | December

Previous Fiscal Years Financial Statements (Audited)


Definitions of Terms

  • Coin In = Amount wagered in a slot machine.
  • AGP (Adjusted Gross Proceeds) = The total amount of all wagers made by players less all payments to players.
  • Average Daily AGP = The amount of AGP earned by a device on a daily basis (AGP / # of devices / Average days open per month).
  • Hold % = Percentage of revenue retained by a device (slot machine = AGP / Coins In, table game = AGP / Drop).
  • Drop = The amount of money removed, or "dropped," from a table game or slot machine.
  • Fiscal Year = July 1 to June 30.