All State offices will be closed on Monday, February 17, in observance of Presidents' Day.


Responsible Gaming Grants

Under the authority and on behalf of the Colorado Limited Gaming Control Commission (CLGCC), the Division of Gaming administers a grant program that provides support for efforts that impact, improve and support responsible gaming and problem gambling programs in Colorado along with the issues that come with increased gaming and gaming options. The responsible gaming grant program is meant to provide meaningful funding and encourage prevention, education on gambling addiction, additional counselors, public awareness, treatment, recovery, data and research in Colorado. 


  • Not-for-Profit Organizations and State Agencies/Programs directly addressing the issue of problem gambling, addiction treatment, operations of hotlines, educational programs, counseling, research, advocacy efforts, or support services in Colorado are eligible to apply for program-related funding. 
  • Applicants are strongly encouraged to ensure they have the resources and the staffing to complete all required reporting and attend all required meetings.
  • Requests for capital projects are not eligible under this grant process.
  • Automatic Disqualifier: Any organization found to have made purposeful misrepresentations, omissions and/or errors intended to mislead will not be considered and will be disqualified from receiving funding.  
  • Any previously funded grant recipient who did not complete reporting requirements for any prior grant funding is ineligible to apply for funding in the year following non-compliance and may have to submit required documentation before being re-eligible to apply.
Key Dates for 2025
  • Grant Application Opens - November 1, 2024
  • Grant Application Deadline- December 1, 2024, at 5:00 PM MST
  • Grant Review Period- December 1, 2024 - February 2, 2025
  • Limited Gaming Control Commission Review and Approval - February 2025 meeting
Application Period and Submission for 2025

Complete applications, including all required supporting documents, must be submitted by the deadline to be considered.

Grant applications must be received by the Division of Gaming, either in person or electronically, by December 1, 2024 at 5:00 PM to be considered for funding in 2025.  Grant applications may be dropped off at the main division offices at 1707 Cole Blvd, Suite 300, Lakewood, CO 80421. Electronic applications should be submitted to

The Division of Gaming will review grant applications for eligibility and recommendation for approval by the Colorado Limited Gaming Control Commission. Applicants to be found ineligible for funding will receive notice from the Division of Gaming.  A list of recommended grant recipients and funded programs is provided to the CLGCC for review and approval. 

The CLGCC will release funding to approved grant recipients. Eligible applications are presented to the commission no later than March 1st of each year.

Grant Recipient Requirements

Grant Recipients must submit the required reports. On or before September 1, 2023, and on or before September 1, each year thereafter, each grantee shall submit a report to the commission. At a minimum, the report must include the following information:

  • An indication of whether the grantee achieved the objectives the grantee described in its application or a grant;
  • Evaluation of the results of the grantee’s grant-funded project;
  • A description of the impact of the grantee's use of grant money on the community with regards to responsible or problem gambling;
  • Total amount of the grant money received in the total amount of grant money expended by the grantee; and
  • Any additional reporting requirements required by the commission when the grant was awarded;
  • Prior to any grant money being dispersed once the commission has made its grant decisions, grantees must cooperate to finalize all needed state purchasing contract paperwork. 

Grant recipients must have a designated representative who attends all required CLGCC meetings as determined by the Commission.  Grant recipients may be required to make presentations to the Commission on their program and/or grant funds.

Review Criteria

Reviewing responsible gaming grant applications and criteria for awarding grants – when awarding grants, the Commission shall have a process for collaboration with the behavioral health administration. In consideration of awarding grants, the Commission shall consider the following criteria:

(a)    the current needs of the state relating to responsible for problem gambling;
(b)    the overall impact that the proposed grant may have on responsible for problem gambling;
(c)    the amount of money in the fund;
(d)    whether the eligible applicant intends to use grant money or any of the following purposes:
    (i)    prevention or education services concerning gambling addiction:
    (ii)    certification of gambling addiction counselors;
    (iii)    public awareness of services concerning gambling addiction;
    (iv)    treatment of gambling addiction disorders;
    (v)    recovery services;
    (vi)    data reporting and data systems; 
    (vii)    reimbursement for a portion of the costs associated with the national problem gambling hotline, website or text for service;
    (vii)    research for problem gambling or gambling addiction; and
   (viii)    reimbursement for costs associated with research for problem gaming or gambling addiction.
(e)    when considering the current needs of the state related to responsible for problem gambling, the commission may establish additional purposes for awarding grants.

Grant Application

Responsible Gaming Grant Application 

Sample Grant Contract

 A sample contract grant recipients will agree to as part of accepting grant funding from the division is available here

Responsible Gaming Grant Rules

Sports Betting Rules

Gaming Rule 2
Gaming Rule 29
Sports Betting Rule 9

Colorado Gaming Commission 

Limited Gaming Commission Meetings, Dates and Agendas

2024 Responsible Gaming Grantees

These are the Responsible Gaming Grants that were approved for 2024.

2023 Responsible Gaming Grantees

These are the Responsible Gaming Grant Projects that were approved for 2023.


The Division of Gaming is in the process of collecting questions to create an FAQ page. 

Submit your questions here

Sign-up for Grant Announcements and Communications

Add your email to the Responsible Gaming Grants distribution list to receive updates and important information about the grants program from the Division of Gaming:

Contact Us

If you have any questions about the 2022-2024 grant cycle, please contact Corrie Martinez at