Application Checklist

Recognizing the value of a collaborative approach to problem-solving, the MED is asking for your help to minimize any processing delays of your application. In order to support the MED's efficient intake and processing of applications, please review the steps below and ensure your submission is complete.
Download and complete the executable PDF MED Employee License Application. Don't forget to include all necessary supporting documentation and the full application fee.
Conduct a final review of your application to ensure your signature is provided in all required fields.
Incomplete applications, a lack of supporting documentation, or failure to submit the application fee will result in a delayed processing time.
- MED Required Forms of Identifications
- You must have some form of identification to apply.
- Your identification must have a photo
- You can live anywhere in the U.S. and apply for a Colorado MED License/Badge.
- Keep in mind that the MED License/Badge is only valid in Colorado.
- You can apply with an out-of-state ID; however, the ID must be current and Real ID Compliant.
- If your ID is current but not Real ID compliant, then you must provide a secondary form of identification, which can include:
- a state-certified birth certificate, or
- social security card, or
- a valid US passport.
- You must include a copy of your identification in the application.
- If your identification does not list your current correct address, you can still use it to apply - please make sure you provide your current address on your application. Once a license is approved, the MED badge will be mailed to the mailing address listed on the application.
If you have an in-person appointment ONLY, you may have your fingerprints taken during your appointment. Having fingerprints taken at the MED will cost an additional $39.50. Payments can be made by check, money order, and credit/debit cards. No cash will be accepted.
You must use a Third-Party Fingerprint Provider if you submit your application online, mail it in, or drop it off.
Have your fingerprints done after submitting your application (preferably within 7 days of submission) so your paperwork is in place and can be linked to your fingerprint report when it arrives from the third-party vendor.
- IndentoGo (Service Code: 25YGBJ)
- Colorado Fingerprinting (CBI Unique ID: 9500MAJI)
- Please see the MED Third-Party Fingerprint Providers page for more information.
The MED cannot complete the intake of your application without your payment of the Employee License Application Fee of $150.00.
- Please include a check, money order, or credit card authorization with your application submission. NO CASH can be accepted at this time.
- If you are paying by check or money order, please make it payable to the Colorado Department of Revenue or CDOR.
If you are paying by check or money order, please send only the amount due. DO NOT add on extra service fees, as they do not apply to fees submitted by mail.
- To accommodate email submissions, the MED also offers an online payment option via the Colorado Interactive Payment System. For applicants using this online payment option, a MED staff member will contact you via email with a link to submit your payment.
- PLEASE NOTE: Inaccurate payment may delay the issuance of your license. Full and proper payment is required, so please double-check your payment before submitting it! For a summary of fees, please see our MED Fee Schedule.
Submit Your Application
In-Person (Appointments Only)
At MED Office Locations
- Please use the appointment scheduling link to schedule an appointment. This tool will allow you to choose your appointment type and the location closest to you.
- You must have your completed application and any additional documentation available at the time of your scheduled appointment.
- If you arrive more than ten (10) minutes late for your scheduled appointment, your appointment will be canceled and you must reschedule.
- For more information regarding in-person appointments, visit our Appointment Based In-Person Services webpage.
Drop Off Your Application
Lakewood Office Only
Lakewood Office ONLY - 1697 Cole Blvd. Suite 200, Lakewood, CO 80401. The MED Lakewood Office Drop Box is only available from 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Please place your complete applications in an envelope to keep the application intact.
Submit by Mail
Colorado Springs/Southern Regional Office
2447 North Union Blvd.
Colorado Springs, CO 80909
Grand Junction/Western Slope Regional Office
632 Market Street, Suite G3
Grand Junction, CO 81505
Lakewood Office
1697 Cole Blvd., Suite 200
Lakewood, CO 80401
I've Submitted My Application, What's Next?
If you pass your background check your badge will be mailed to the mailing address you provided on your application.
Be aware that by applying for an occupational license you have agreed that if your application is approved, you will keep the MED informed of any change of your home address and other contact information. You can do this via email at or use your online account if you submitted your application digitally.
If we need more information, you will be notified and given a period of time within which to provide us with the requested information.
If you fail your background check, you will be notified and advised on steps to become eligible for licensure.