Gaming Licenses

The Division of Gaming now offers all gaming licensing services online and encourages all new and current licensees to complete their applications online. New license applicants and existing licensees can complete and submit their gaming license applications online by clicking the appropriate license type below and clicking apply or renew links. The requirements for online licenses are the same as applying for a license by mail or in-person.

Submission Options for License Applications

All gaming licenses can be completed online and applicants are encouraged to use the online system to submit new and renewal applications.  Other submission methods include mail-in applications that can be sent to the Division of Gaming at 1707 Cole Blvd, Suite 300, Lakewood, CO 80401, or electronic applications can be emailed to dor_gaming_licensing@state.co.us.

Those who can not submit their applications through the online system, email or mail-in, may schedule an appointment with the division, noting that in-person appointments are limited in availability.

Schedule an Appointment