Renew a Gaming Support License

How to Renew Your License

There are two ways to renew a support license with the Division of Gaming: online renewal or PDF application.

Renew Online

Support licenses may now be renewed online.  You will need to create a user ID using your email address in order to access the renewal site. You can also use this service to update demographic information and request duplicate badges.


Requirements for online renewal applications are the same as if you visit one of the Division of Gaming’s locations or mail in an application.  You should be in good standing with all Gaming Regulations before attempting to renew online.  You have ninety (90) days to renew your license before it expires.  Do not try to renew online the day before your license expires. If you have questions or concerns, please visit one of our offices or call (303) 205-1300.

To renew online, ensure you have the necessary information available to upload electronically before beginning the online application.   

To begin the process for online renewal, start the renewal process in the online system.  A credit card is necessary for making payments online and users will be charged $.75 per transaction plus 2.25% of the amount of the service fee.  Submissions will not be accepted once your badge expiration date has passed.

Online Renewal

Online Renewal Checklist

  1. Report Arrests: As a licensee, you are required to let the Division of Gaming know when you are arrested.
  2. Report Court Appearances: As a licensee, you are required to let the Division of Gaming know when you go to court. 
  3. Update Contact Information: As a licensee, you are required to update the Division of Gaming with your new address if you move. 
  4. Please ensure you have proper identification to upload.

Renew by Paper Application

The Renewal Application (PDF) must be downloaded and saved in order to fill and sign.

Schedule a Licensing Appointment

Should you experience any problems scheduling an appointment or have questions about the process, please call 303-205-1300. Thank you.

Paper Renewal Checklist

  1. Complete Paper Application
  2. Copy of Form of Identification
  3. Criminal History Dispositions (if applicable)
  4. Additional supporting documents​

How to Submit Your Paper Renewal Application


Submit by Email

Email application and supporting documents to:



Submit by Mail or Drop Off

1707 Cole Blvd., Suite 300
Lakewood, CO 80401

Note: A support gaming license is considered a public benefit. Under Colorado law, persons applying for a public benefit must establish lawful presence in the United States by providing certain types of identification and submitting a signed affidavit. The support application contains the necessary forms to establish lawful presence. For more information on lawful presence requirements, visit the main Department of Revenue web site.