Apply for a License or Permit - Liquor Enforcement Division

If you have questions or inquiries please email, DOR_LIQLICENSING@state.co.us.
Colorado is a dual licensing authority for the state's licensed retailers and special event permittees. Liquor licensing in Colorado requires retailers to first obtain license approval at the local government level. For new license applicants this typically requires showing the neighborhood needs and desires for each new liquor license. Local government will typically conduct an initial background investigation of the individuals involved with a retail liquor license application. An exception to this rule exists for chain stores or other entities that have multiple liquor licenses located throughout the state. In this case, to avoid the need for individuals to go through repetitive background investigations in multiple jurisdictions, the Division conducts the individual's background investigation. For state-only issued licenses (manufacturers, wholesalers, importers and public transportation carriers) the Division conducts all individual background investigations.

Background investigations of liquor license applicants typically include a review of:
  • Applicant criminal history
  • Liquor license violation history
  • Ownership interests in other liquor industry members (Colorado has statutory ownership limitation)
  • Tax payment history

The Division's licensing section also processes the following permits and requests:
  • Premises modifications
  • Location changes
  • Trade name changes
  • Storage permits
  • Delivery permits
  • New product registrations