Sports Betting


Bulletin # Date   Subject Areas
Bulletin 1 11/27/2019   Sports Betting Licensing & Fees
Bulletin 2 04/16/2020   Initial Implementation
Bulletin 3 04/20/2020   Geofence Requirement
Bulletin 4 04/22/2020   Sports Betting Integrity
Bulletin 5 04/22/2020   Payment of Winner - Reserves

"Operating Fees"]

On April 16, 2020, the Colorado Limited Gaming Control Commission approved the following Operating Fees for Sports Betting:

  • Internet Sports Betting Operator Licensee OR Master Licensee conducting internet sports betting:$54,000
  • Sports Betting Operator Licensee OR Master Licensee conducting retail sports betting:$12,500

These fees are set for Fiscal Year 2020, taking effect May 1, 2020 through June 30, 2020.

In November 2019, Proposition DD was passed with a vote of the people allowing for legalizing sports betting in Colorado, making Colorado one of many states now letting people place bets on sporting events since the Supreme Court ruling struck down a law that banned sports betting in most U.S. states. With the passage of Proposition DD, and the legislative bill passed by the Colorado General Assembly in May 2019, the Colorado Limited Gaming Control Commission and the Colorado Division of Gaming are the statutory authority over the regulation of the legalized sports betting in Colorado.

In anticipation of the passage of the proposition, the Division of Gaming has been reviewing best practices and regulations from other states already allowing legalized sports betting and will be using this knowledge, along with engaging industry stakeholders, to establish rules and licensing standards for sports betting in Colorado. Since 1991, the Division of Gaming and the Colorado Limited Gaming Control Commission have overseen a strong and robust industry of limited stakes gaming in Colorado, and the Division will apply the same successful regulation model to ensure the integrity of the sports betting industry.

Below you will find information published by the Division of Gaming related to the work to implement a regulatory framework for sports betting in Colorado:

Sports Betting Email Distribution List Sign-up Limited Gaming Control Commission Agendas
Sports Betting License Fees Analysis Colorado General Assembly HB19-1327

Sport Betting Rules

These copies of the rules are provided as a convenience to the public by the Colorado Department of Revenue and do not constitute an official publication. The official version of these rules is published by the Office of the Secretary of State in the Colorado Code of Regulations and may be obtained from the Colorado Secretary of State's website.
Updated Rules Effective August 10, 2022

Combined Sports Betting Rules and Regulations

Draft Rules: Stakeholder Working Groups December 9-11th

Videos from Round 1Stakeholder working groups:

-#1 General Rules:https://player.vimeo.com/video/379168818

-#2 Compliance:https://player.vimeo.com/video/379180386

-#3 Technology:https://player.vimeo.com/video/379191068

-#4 Integrity & Information:https://player.vimeo.com/video/379199121

-#5 Responsible Gaming:https://player.vimeo.com/video/379208483

Draft Rules: Stakeholder Working Groups January 31, 2020

Videos from Round 2 Stakeholder working groups:

-#1 General Rules Morning Sesion:https://player.vimeo.com/video/389378384

-#2 General Rules Afternoon Session:https://player.vimeo.com/video/389381326