Rulemaking Information


Stakeholder Engagement Protocols

Changes to Colorado Gaming Rules may be proposed by the public, the gaming industry, the Colorado Limited Gaming Control Commission (Commission), or from within the Division of Gaming (Division). Proposed Rule changes are forwarded to a Division subject matter expert to analyze and to draft the proposed language with which to begin the formal rulemaking process.

Once the proposed language has been developed, the proposed Rules are published on the Division web page and a rulemaking workshop is scheduled. Gaming stakeholders are invited to attend the workshop and are encouraged to provide comment and concerns regarding the proposed Rule language. Occasionally comments are solicited via email to stakeholders in lieu of an in person workshop.

The Division then files a Notice of Formal Rulemaking with the Secretary of State's Office and the Dept. of Regulatory Affairs. No sooner than 30 days after the Notice is filed, the proposed Rules are heard at a public hearing during a meeting of the Gaming Commission. Stakeholders are welcome to attend rulemaking hearings at the monthly Commission meetings, where they may give testimony regarding proposed Rule changes. If the Commission votes to adopt the proposed changes they would become effective approximately 45 to 60 days after adoption. Adopted Rules are posted on the Division web page.

2023-2024 Rule Changes 

*updated January 5, 2024

July 11, 2024 - Limited Gaming Rules 23 & 28

The Division will be seeking approval for changes to Gaming Rule 23 - Rules for Craps and Rule 28 - Rules for Baccarat, at the July 11th Commission meeting. These changes include rules of play for a new game of craps, Dice Works, and a new game of baccarat, Golden Dragon Baccarat.
Proposed changes to Rules 23 & 28

June 20, 2024 - Rules 23 & 28

The Commission voted to table the rulemaking for Rules 23 & 28 until the July 11, 2024 meting of the Colorado Limited Gaming Control Commission. 

May 23, 2024 -  Limited Gaming Rules 10 and 21

The Division’s annual gaming tax setting hearings will continue at the May Commission meeting. The Division is not recommending any changes to the gaming tax rates. The Gaming Commission will decide if changes are warranted after two months of testimony.

There will be a Rulemaking hearing at this meeting regarding changes to Gaming Rule 10 Rules For Poker and Gaming Rule 21 Rules for Blackjack-Poker Combination Games. The Division is seeking approval of game rules for a new poker game, Texas Hold’em +, and a new blackjack-poker combination game, Extreme 21.

 Proposed changes to Rules 10 & 21    

April 18, 2024 - Gaming Rule 14, Annual Tax Setting Hearing; Limited Gaming Rules 10, 12, 21 & 28; and Sports Betting Rules 1 & 7

The Division’s annual gaming tax setting hearings will begin at the April Commission meeting. The Division is not recommending any changes to the gaming tax rates. The Gaming Commission will decide if changes are warranted after two months of testimony.

The Division is seeking approval for an amendment to Gaming Regulation 30-1045.07 Tournament Rules of Play in order to specify that tournament Rules must be provided to the Table Games Chair instead of the local Gaming office, an amendment to Regulation 30-1254 to add a requirement regarding the colors of table game progressive system sensors, and a correction to pay table 1 of Regulation 30-2899.03 The Play - Dragon Bonus.  The Division is also seeking approval for amendments to Gaming Rule 21 Rules for Blackjack-Poker Combination Games, in order to promulgate rules for a new game, Free Bet Blackjack. This game will be Regulation 30-2116.  These proposed game rules were originally presented to the Commission at the February 15, 2024 meeting but were not adopted at the time due to questions about the rules of play. 

Proposed changes to Gaming Rules 10, 12, & 28     

Proposed changes to Gaming Rule 21     

The Division will also be presenting changes to Sports Betting Rule 1 General Rules and Regulations and Rule 7 Requirements of Sports Betting Operations, regarding Rules that will allow exchange wagering in Colorado. These proposed Rule changes were originally slated to be heard at the March 21, 2024 meeting but were moved to April in order for the Division to consider Stakeholder comments.

Current Gaming Tax Rates   

Proposed Changes to Sports Betting Rules 1 & 7 *updated 4-10-2024

February 15, 2024 - Gaming Rule 21

This message is to notify you that the Division of Gaming will be presenting proposed Rule changes to the Gaming Commission at the monthly meeting on February 15, 2024, at 9:15 AM.  The hearing will be held at the Division offices, 1707 Cole Blvd., Suite 300, Redrocks Conference Room, Lakewood, CO 80401, as well as virtually. 

The Division is seeking approval for a new game, Free Bet Blackjack.  This change will be an amendment to Gaming Rule 21 Rules for Blackjack-Poker Combination Games.

The Division invites all stakeholders to attend this hearing and provide testimony if desired.  We welcome your participation in our rulemaking process.  Questions or comments can be emailed to dor_gaming_rulemaking@state.co.us.

Proposed Changes to Gaming Rule 21   

January 18, 2024 – Gaming Rules 10 and 29 & Sports Betting Rule 9

On January 18, 2024 the Gaming Commission voted to adopt the proposed changes to Gaming Rules 10 and 29 & Sports Betting Rule 9.  These changes will be effective as of March 16, 2024.


The Division proposed Rule changes to Gaming Rule 10 Rules for Poker, and Rule 29 Responsible Gaming and Self Restriction, as well as Sports Betting Rule 9 Responsible Gaming and Self Restriction.


The game owner, Aces Up Gaming, asked that we change the name of the game in Regulation 1099.52 from “3 Card Shine” to “3 Card +”.  We also corrected a capitalization error in this Regulation.  This Rule change was originally slated for the December 2023 Commission meeting but was moved to the January 18, 2024 meeting.


In July of 2023 the Commission approved changes to Regulation 1099.44 WPT Heads Up Hold’em.  At that time paragraph (6)(b) was inadvertently deleted from this Regulation. This Regulation change will put that paragraph back into the game rules.


The Division proposed amendments to Gaming Rule 29 and Sports Betting Rule 9 in order to clarify and expand on the requirements for responsible gaming and the gaming exclusion list, to establish Regulations for the exclusion or ejection of persons from any gaming establishment, as well as updates for the sake of consistency and clarification within the Rules.

Proposed Changes to Gaming Regulation 1099.52   

Proposed Changes to Gaming Rules 10 and 29 *updated 1/9/2024

Proposed Changes to Sports Betting Rule 9 *updated 1/9/2024

Updates to Rule 1-CCR 210-1 Gambling Payment Intercept – Effective March 1, 2024

The hearing regarding the proposed changes to the Gambling Payment Intercept Rule was held on November 15, 2023.  The Executive Director of the Department of Revenue adopted these changes on January 9, 2024.  These changes will become effective as of March 1, 2024.


To suggest changes to Gaming Rules and Regulations please submit a Suggested Rule Revision form to Rules Manager Ronni Hunter at DOR_Gaming_RuleMaking@state.co.us.

Department of Revenue rulemaking information, and legal notices

Rule Review 2024 - Gaming Rules 24 and 10

Colorado§24-3-103.3, C.R.S., and Department of Revenue Policy requires State agencies to review 10% of its Rules each year, or 100% of its Rule in a 10 year period.  The Division of Gaming will review Gaming Rule 10 Rules for Poker, and Gaming Rule 24 Limited Gaming Fund in 2024.

Division of Gaming

2024 Rule Review Plan

Pursuant to 24-3-103.3, C.R.S., and DOR Policy 505

Purpose:  Review 10% of all Rules each year or all Rules every 10 years


Limited Gaming Rule 10 - Rules for Poker

Limited Gaming Rule 24 - Limited Gaming Fund


Note:  Each year the Division also reviews the portion of Rule 3 that deals with licensing and background fees, and the portion of Rule 14 that deals with gaming taxes.