MED 2022 Rulemaking Information

Looking for information on the SB22-205? Please visit the SB22-205 Task Force webpage.

The Colorado Department of Revenue’s Marijuana Enforcement Division (MED) is facilitating the following stakeholder meetings to collaborate on proposed rule updates for the Division’s 2022 summer permanent rulemaking session.

Rules Adopted on October 11, 2022:

Materials in advance of the September 30 Rulemaking Hearing:

Stakeholder Meeting Schedule and TimelineDate/Time

Rulemaking Hearing

September 30, 2022

Science & Policy*

August 12, 2022

Catch-All Rule Revision*

July 27, 2022

Legislation Implementation*: 
HB22-1222, SB22-178, HB22-1135, HB22-1037 

July 15, 2022

Anticipated effective date for all rules in 12/1/22
For additional information on legislation the Division is responsible for implementing, please see the Division’s 2022 Cannabis Legislation Summary and Kratom Summary.

Here is the Work Group Announcement

MED Permanent Rulemaking Next Steps Slide Deck (presented during Rulemaking on 7/15)

The Division is soliciting participation in these stakeholder meetings and may designate work groups for the specific topics noted above. If the Division opts not to establish a stakeholder group for a specific topic or set of topics, the meeting will provide opportunities for broad input by all attendees (attendees can sign up during the meeting to comment on subjects identified to be discussed in each meeting).

When identifying parties to serve on rulemaking stakeholder groups, the Division’s goal is to ensure work groups represent a diversity of perspectives and subject matter expertise and/or experience or knowledge relevant to the subjects under consideration. And while selected stakeholder meeting members will be assigned to serve as the primary participants in scheduled stakeholder meetings, each meeting will provide opportunities for public comment by all interested parties in attendance.

Attend meetings and participate during the public comment period: 

All members of the public can attend stakeholder meetings, regardless of whether there are assigned work group members or not, may provide oral comment during the public comment period for each meeting. All interested stakeholders are encouraged to submit written comments on proposed rules. Whether or not you apply to serve on a work group, your feedback will be used to inform work group agenda items, discussions, questions, and the Division’s proposals. 

Unless otherwise announced, all stakeholder meetings will be held remotely and links for each meeting will be posted in advance on this page.

Stakeholder meetings are open to the public and all interested parties can take an active role in the process by attending and participating in these meetings and by submitting written comments on proposed rules.
For stakeholder meetings with assigned members, the Division will notify assigned members via email on or before July 1, 2022. A list of assigned members and agenda for each work group will also be published on the Division’s website prior to each public meeting. The Division may also identify needs to substitute or add members to established work groups. 

The Division may choose to facilitate a stakeholder rulemaking meeting without assigned work group members. In such a case, stakeholder participation will be open to all attendees. These details and any updates will be published on this page.

For questions about the Division's rulemaking process, you may contact Danielle Henry, at danielle.henry@state.co.us. We encourage interested parties to subscribe to receive updates about the Division's rulemaking process. 
