All State offices will be closed on Monday, February 17, in observance of Presidents' Day.


Temporary Out of State Dealers - Auto Industry Division

License Types

Motor vehicle dealer

C.R.S. 44-20-102 (18) - "Motor vehicle dealer" means a person who, for commission or with intent to make a profit or gain of money or other thing of value, sells, leases, exchanges, rents with option to purchase, offers, or attempts to negotiate a sale, lease, or exchange of an interest in new or new and used motor vehicles or who is engaged wholly or in part in the business of selling or leasing new or new and used motor vehicles, whether or not the motor vehicles are owned by the person. The sale or lease of three or more new or new and used motor vehicles or the offering for sale or lease of more than three new or new and used motor vehicles at the same address or telephone number in any one calendar year is prima facie evidence that a person is engaged in the business of selling or leasing new or new and used motor vehicles. "Motor vehicle dealer" includes an owner of real property who allows more than three new or new and used motor vehicles to be offered for sale or lease on the property during one calendar year unless the property is leased to a licensed motor vehicle dealer. "Motor vehicle dealer" does not include: 

(a) Receivers, trustees, administrators, executors, guardians, or other persons appointed by or acting under the judgment or order of any court; 

(b) Public officers while performing their official duties; 

(c) Employees of a motor vehicle dealer when engaged in the specific performance of their duties as employees; 

(d) A wholesaler or anyone selling motor vehicles solely to wholesalers; 

(e) Any person engaged in the selling of a fire truck; or 

(f) A motor vehicle auctioneer.

Used motor vehicle dealer

C.R.S. 44-20-102 (26) "Used motor vehicle dealer" means a person who, for commission or with intent to make a profit or gain of money or other thing of value, sells, exchanges, leases, or offers an  
interest in used motor vehicles, or attempts to negotiate a sale, exchange, or lease of used motor vehicles, or who is engaged wholly or in part in the business of selling used motor vehicles, whether or not the motor vehicles are owned by the person. The sale of three or more used motor vehicles or the offering for sale of more than three used motor vehicles at the same address or telephone number in any one calendar year is prima facie evidence that a person is engaged in the business of selling used motor vehicles. "Used motor vehicle dealer" includes an owner of real property who allows more than three used motor vehicles to be offered for sale on the property during one calendar year unless the property is leased to a licensed used motor vehicle dealer. "Used motor vehicle dealer" does not include: 

(a) Receivers, trustees, administrators, executors, guardians, or other persons appointed by or acting under the judgment or order of any court; 

(b) Public officers while performing their official duties; 

(c) Employees of a used motor vehicle dealer when engaged in the specific performance of their duties as employees; 

(d) A wholesaler or anyone selling motor vehicles solely to wholesalers; 

(e) Mortgagees or secured parties as to sales in any one year of not more than twelve motor vehicles constituting collateral on a mortgage or security agreement, if the mortgagees or secured parties do not realize for their own account any money in excess of the outstanding balance secured by the mortgage or security agreement, plus costs of collection; 

(f) A person who only sells or exchanges no more than four motor vehicles that are collector's items under part 3 or 4 of article 12 of title 42; 

(g)  A motor vehicle auctioneer; or 

(h) An operator, as defined in section 42-4-2102 (5), who sells a motor vehicle pursuant to section 42-4-2104.

Motor Vehicle Wholesaler

C.R.S. 44-20-102 (28) "Wholesaler" means a person who, for commission or with intent to make a profit or gain of money or other thing of value, sells, exchanges, or offers or attempts to negotiate a sale, lease, or exchange of an interest in new or new and used motor vehicles solely to motor vehicle dealers or used motor vehicle dealers.

Powersports vehicle dealer

C.R.S. 44-20-402 (12) "Powersports vehicle dealer" means a person who, for commission or with intent to make a profit or gain of money or other thing of value, sells, leases, exchanges, rents with option to purchase, offers, or attempts to negotiate a sale, lease, or exchange of an interest in new or new and used powersports vehicles or who is engaged wholly or in part in the business of selling or leasing new or new and used powersports vehicles, whether or not the powersports vehicles are owned by the person. The sale or lease of ten or more new or new and used powersports vehicles or the offering for sale or lease of more than ten new or new and used powersports vehicles at the same address or telephone number in any one calendar year shall be prima facie evidence that a person is engaged in the business of selling or leasing new or new and used powersports vehicles. "Powersports vehicle dealer" includes an owner of real property who allows more than ten new or new and used powersports vehicles to be offered for sale or lease on the property during one calendar year unless the property is leased to a licensed powersports vehicle dealer. "Powersports vehicle dealer" does not include: 

(a) Receivers, trustees, administrators, executors, guardians, or other persons appointed by or acting under the judgment or order of any court; 

(b)Public officers while performing their official duties; 

(c) Employees of persons enumerated in the definition of "powersports vehicle dealer" when engaged in the specific performance of their duties as employees; 

(d) A wholesaler or anyone selling powersports vehicles solely to wholesalers; or 

(e) A wholesale motor vehicle auctioneer.

Used powersports vehicle dealer

C.R.S. 44-20-402 (20) "Used powersports vehicle dealer" means any person who, for commission or with intent to make a profit or gain of money or other thing of value, sells, exchanges, leases, or offers an interest in used powersports vehicles, or attempts to negotiate a sale or lease of new and used powersports vehicles or who is engaged wholly or in part in the business of selling used powersports vehicles, whether or not the used powersports vehicles are owned by the person. The sale of ten or more used powersports vehicles or the offering for sale of more than ten used powersports vehicles at the same address or telephone number in any one calendar year shall be prima facie evidence that a person is engaged in the business of selling used powersports vehicles. "Used powersports vehicle dealer" includes an owner of real property who allows more than ten used powersports vehicles to be offered for sale on the property during one calendar year unless the property is leased to a licensed used powersports vehicle dealer. "Used powersports vehicle dealer" does not include: 

(a) Receivers, trustees, administrators, executors, guardians, or other persons appointed by or acting under the judgment or order of any court; 

(b) Public officers while performing their official duties; 

(c) Employees of used powersports vehicle dealers when engaged in the specific performance of their duties; 

(d) Anyone selling powersports vehicles solely to wholesalers; 

(e) Mortgagees or secured parties as to powersports vehicles constituting collateral on a mortgage or security agreement, if the mortgagees or secured parties shall not realize for their own account from the sales any money in excess of the outstanding balance secured by the mortgage or security agreement, plus costs of collection; or 

(f) A motor vehicle auctioneer

Powersports Vehicle Wholesaler

C.R.S. 44-20-402 (21) "Wholesaler" means a person who, for commission or with intent to make a profit or gain of money or other thing of value, sells, exchanges, or offers or attempts to negotiate a sale, lease, or exchange of an interest in a new or new and used powersports vehicle solely to powersports vehicle dealers or used powersports vehicle dealers.

Types of Events

Out of state dealers, who wish to sell or negotiate the sale of motor vehicle/Powersports vehicles including trailers at special events, can apply for a Temporary Out of State Dealer license. These events are listed below:

Board Regulated Events

These events are limited by Dealer Board Regulation to the National Western Stock Show, Colorado State Fair and the annual Denver RV, Sports, Boat & Travel show {Reference 44-20-109 (2) C.R.S.}.  A single application may be used to apply for one, two or three events.

Other Special Sales Events

Applicants must petition the Dealer Board to ask for permission to apply for a Temporary Out of State Dealer License. The petition must be submitted ninety (90) days prior to the event.

  • The Auto Industry Division can only present the petition to the Dealer Board on the 3rd Tuesday of each month. 
  • An applicant may only submit an application to the Auto Industry Division after approval from the Dealer Board has been obtained.

Licensing Authority

The Colorado Motor Vehicle Dealer Board is the State licensing authority for Dealer/Wholesaler licenses.

The Board has statutory authority to issue or deny license applicants.

How to Apply


Temporary Out of State License Application Checklist


1. Filing Deadline

The completed application, required attachments, bond, and license fee are due 45 days prior to the event. 

2. Dealer’s State License

Submit a copy of the State Dealer License where the applicant is located and a letter from the licensing authority stating the license is in good standing.

3. Checklist

Temporary Out of State Dealer Application Information (DR 2263). This checklist is provided to assist you with the application process.

4. Temporary Out of State Dealer Application

Temporary Out of State Dealer Application (DR 2131). - Complete all requested information and sign and date application. Do not skip any fields. Incomplete applications may delay processing.

5. Sales Tax License

Conducting retail sales in Colorado at a single or multiple event requires a special “single” or “multiple” event sales tax license.

  • Colorado Sales Tax Withholding Account Application (CR 0100AP). Provide a photocopy of: A Colorado sales tax account number or a copy of the sales tax license must be provided as well as proof of trade name registration.
6. Bond 
  • Dealers - $50,000 surety bond valid for the sale dated on any one, two, or three events, is required.  
  • $5,000 - Small Trailer Dealers (weighing less than 2000 pounds)
  • The start and end dates of the bond must be the same as the beginning and ending dates of the event.
  • Multiple bonds may be issued to cover more than one event; or the start and end dates must include all events.
  • Any bonding company writing the bond must be licensed to do business in the state of Colorado.
  • Submit a photocopy or scanned copy of bond. Surety Bond must show FULL LEGAL NAME and DBA must appear on the “principal line,” which needs to be signed by an owner or a partner, a corporate officer or LLC member.
  • Example of Bond (DR 2830)

For Example, if your dealership is a/an:

  • Individual: John T. Doe, DBA: Doe Motors
  • Partnership: John T. Doe and Jane Z. Doe, DBA: Doe Motors
  • Corporation: Vehicles, Inc., DBA: Doe Motors
  • LLC: Vehicles, LLC., DBA: Doe Motors, LLC
7. Verification of Fingerprints
  • Requirements apply to ALL owners AND ALL employees of the applicant who will be selling at the event.
  • Submit proof of verification of fingerprints for ALL owners and employees selling at the event.
  • Go to the Verification of Fingerprints page and read the requirements that must be met.
  • If you do not follow directions, your application may be rejected.
8. Background Check 
  • A background check will be performed on every applicant.
  • If the applicant has ever been convicted of or pled no contest to any felony or misdemeanor crime supporting court documents must be included with the application.
  • NOTICE - All applicants must be in compliance with any Colorado Division of Child Support Services Child Support Order(s). Non compliance may result in a hold on your application and will delay processing.
9. Secure Verifiable Identification
  • All Auto Industry applications and forms require that a licensee use their FULL LEGAL name as shown on the applicants Driver License or Identification Card or proof of lawful presence document.
  • Submit a photocopy or a scanned copy of an appropriate identification such as a Colorado Driver License for the Applicant (unless the applicant is a corporation or LLC) AND all people who will be selling at the event.  
10. New Vehicle Sales - Manufacturer Authorization of New Vehicle Sales
  • A copy of the letter from the manufacturer authorizing the sale of their new motor vehicle/Powersports vehicles must be provided with the application. 
  • For any new motor vehicle/Powersports vehicle sales, the manufacturer of such vehicles must also be licensed in Colorado.
  • To determine the manufacturer’s license status, request a copy of their current Colorado license or contact the Auto Industry Division.
11. Written Correspondence
  • If you have anything you wish the Motor Vehicle Dealer Board to take into account or need to explain any licensing character, criminal character, or financial character issues please provide it with the application.
  • NOTE: During the background investigation, additional information may be requested/required. If you would like to authorize the Background Investigator to discuss your application with anyone other than yourself, or other co-applicants, please provide a signed authorization with your application packet.
12. Material Misstatement

Failure to disclose any licensing character, criminal - character, or financial character issues in writing with the application is considered a material misstatement and may result in your license being denied. When in doubt provide an explanation.

13. Manufacturers

In order to display vehicles in Colorado, the Manufacturer must be licensed in Colorado. A Manufacturer cannot sell to the public.

14. All Temporary Out of State Dealers Must Comply With the Following Requirements

a) MCO'S and Titles

  • Any motor vehicle sold in Colorado, including trailers, must be transferred on a title or a manufacturer’s certificate of origin (MCO).
  • Any vehicle sold on a title is considered “used” and cannot be represented to the consumer as “new.”

b) Sales Transaction Paperwork

  • The dealer must furnish the consumer with a properly assigned title or MCO a copy of the Colorado temporary license, and the State Sales Tax Receipt (DR 0024). 
  • The consumer must attach a copy of the temporary license and the State Sales Tax Receipt (DR 0024) to the title or MCO, when application is made at the local county clerk’s office.
  • The dealer must maintain a copy of all paperwork signed by the consumer.
15. Temporary Registration Permits

Information on how to obtain Colorado Temporary Permits will be provided to you when the application for a Temporary Out of State Dealer license is approved by the Dealer Board.

Colorado permits are valid for 60 days.

16. Additional Requirements
  • All documents submitted must be on 8.5” x 11” size paper.
  • Do not submit legal size copies.
  • Do not submit double sided copies.
  • Do not staple documents.
17. Incomplete Applications
  • All of the information provided on this web page is to assist you to ensure your application is not missing any required documentation.
  • The Auto Industry Division strongly recommends that you use this information to aid you in completing the application.
  • Any fields that are not complete may result in your application being rejected and may delay processing.
18. Pay Fee(s)

Check should be made payable to the Department of Revenue. All fees are subject to change July 1st of every year. See button labeled $ Fees


Temporary Out of State Dealers Online Application 

Online Application

  • NOTICE - All applicants must be in compliance with any Colorado Division of Child Support Services Child Support Order(s). Non compliance may result in a hold on your application and will delay processing.


Approved Applications

Colorado permits are valid for sixty 60 days. Information on how to obtain Colorado temporary permits will be provided when the application for a Temporary Out of State Dealer license is approved by the Dealer Board.

Adobe Acrobat Reader

  • To view or print any of the forms listed on this page, you will need a free copy of Adobe Acrobat Reader.

  • You can download a copy from the Auto Industry home page - Quick Links

For additional information contact the Auto Industry Division at (303) 205-5604 or e-mail your question to: