All State offices will be closed on Monday, January 20, in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day


Salesperson License - Auto Industry Division

License Types

Motor Vehicle Salesperson

C.R.S. 44-20-102 (19)

"Motor vehicle salesperson" means a natural person who, for a salary, commission, or compensation of any kind, is employed either directly or indirectly, regularly or occasionally, by a motor vehicle dealer or used motor vehicle dealer to sell, lease, purchase, or exchange or to negotiate for the sale, lease, purchase, or exchange of motor vehicles.

Powersports Vehicle Salesperson

C.R.S. 44-20-402 (16)

"Powersports vehicle salesperson" means a natural person who, for a salary, commission, or compensation of any kind, is employed either directly or indirectly, regularly or occasionally, by a powersports vehicle dealer to sell, lease, purchase, or exchange or to negotiate for the sale, lease, purchase, or exchange of powersports vehicles.

Authority to Sell Motor Vehicles

Temporary License

First time applicants may begin selling motor vehicles when they are issued a TEMPORARY LICENSE:

  • The TEMPORARY LICENSE is subject to denial pending the results of a background investigation. The application review and investigation process may take several weeks. If an applicant has been the subject of Dealer Board licensing or disciplinary action within the past 5 years, the applicant will not receive a temporary license and may not start selling until the Board reviews the application and grants a license.

  • The TEMPORARY status is in effect until the license is approved or denied. If the application is approved, a permanent license will be issued. If the application is denied, a Notice of Denial is issued and the applicant must immediately cease selling motor vehicles upon receipt of the Board Order. The Notice of Denial documents explain an applicant’s right to request a formal hearing.

Permanent License

When a motor vehicle salesperson license is issued, it is valid for one year following the month of issuance. For example, if a motor vehicle salesperson license is issued on September 5th, the license is valid for one year and expires on September 30th of the following year. The license is mailed to the employing dealer. The dealer will post the license at their place of business.

How to Apply


Salesperson Application Checklist

1. You Must be Employed by a Licensed Dealer

In Colorado salespeople are required to be licensed to a Motor Vehicle Dealer.  You must first find a dealer who wishes to hire you and that dealer must complete the Employing Dealer’s Certification section of the DR 2115 application. This application is listed in the instructions below.

2. Salesperson Application Information Checklist

Salesperson Application Information (DR 2234) - Checklist  - This document is provided to assist you with the application process.

NOTICE - All applicants must be in compliance with any Colorado Division of Child Support Services Child Support Order(s). Non compliance may result in a hold on your application and will delay processing.

3. Salesperson Application

The Auto Industry in Colorado is one of the most scrutinized industries in the state. The citizens of Colorado expect the industry to be trustworthy and free from corruption. This is why the Motor Vehicle Dealer Board and the Auto Industry Division take our regulation of the industry so seriously.

There are several critical issues that you, as the applicant, must accomplish within the application process. They are:

  1. Carefully read the entire application instructions.
  2. Answer each and every application question honestly and in the required detail.
  3. Supply all required documentation at the time of your application submission. If anything is found to be missing the entire application will be deemed as incomplete and it could be returned to you in its entirety. If this happens, it delays the processing procedures and your ability to secure a valid license is jeopardized.
  4. During the application licensing process, we will conduct a thorough check of your background. You should know that licensure is a privilege, not a right. 
  5. You must be completely honest on your license application in order to obtain this privilege. We ask key questions on the application. The application will give you further guidance into how to disclose any criminal, disciplinary, or financial actions in your past. 
  6. There are simply no excuses for any applicant not to fully and truthfully answer all disclosure questions on the application. The Auto Industry Division conducts in-depth inquiries into the applicant’s backgrounds using several state and national databases. 
  7. You should understand that truthful disclosures will not necessarily be grounds for denial of your license application, but failure to disclose will almost always result in a denial.
  8. Additionally, avoid some common misconceptions, such as:
    • I didn’t think that was still on my record.
    • I didn’t think my conduct had anything to do with the Auto Industry.
    • I received a deferred, so I did not have to disclose anything.
    • My attorney told me that I did not have to disclose these actions.

Being a licensee in this state with the Auto Industry Division can be a wonderful and rewarding profession. We look forward to your application and working with you to make your chosen profession successful!

  • Complete the  Colorado Auto Industry Salesperson Application (DR 2115). Do not skip any fields. Incomplete applications may delay processing.
4. Mastery Exam 
  • Pass Mastery Examination: An applicant must pass the Online Mastery Exam with a passing score of 85%. This is an open book exam. The Mastery Exam will be administered to the applicant by the hiring Dealer or one of the approved third party providers. There is no fee to take the exam.
  • The examination affidavit must accompany the completed license application. The Master Exam page contains details on this examination.
  • Examination Affidavit (DR 2097) – Submit a completed form signed by the applicant and examination administrator. 
5. Surety Bond 
  • Submit a photocopy or scanned document copy.
  • Bond must show FULL LEGAL NAME.
  • Bond amount must be $15,000
  • Bond must be signed by applicant.
  • Example of Bond (DR 2831)
6. Verification of Fingerprints

Requirements that must be met by all applicants are listed on the Verification of Fingerprints page.

IF you do not follow directions, your application may be rejected.

7. Secure Verifiable Identification

All Auto Industry applications and forms require that a licensee use their FULL LEGAL name as shown on the applicants Driver License or Identification Card or Proof of lawful presence document.

All Salespeople must attach a copy of their verifiable ID to their application. 

Submit a photocopy or a scanned copy of an appropriate identification such as a Colorado Driver License for the applicant. 

8. Certified Court Documents

If the applicant has ever been charged with, convicted of, received a deferred judgment/sentence, or pled no contest, to any felony, full details must be provided including type of crime, date, place of conviction, sentence received, etc. Certified court records must be included with the application.

If the applicant has been charged with, convicted of, received a deferred judgment/sentence, or pled no contest, to any misdemeanor crime in the past ten years, full details must be provided including type of crime, date, place of conviction, sentence received, etc. Certified court records must be included with the application.

It is the applicant’s responsibility to provide rehabilitation information for their criminal convictions.

You cannot hold a license issued by the Colorado Motor Vehicle Dealer Board if you have been convicted of a felony within the last 10 years of an Article 3, 4, or 5 of Title 18 of the Colorado Revised Statutes or any crime involving odometer, salvage, motor vehicle title fraud, or the defrauding of a retail consumer in a motor vehicle sale or lease transaction.  (See C.R.S. 44-20-121 (8) and C.R.S. 44-20-240 (8).

9. Written Correspondence

If you have anything you wish the Motor Vehicle Dealer Board to take into account or need to explain any licensing character, criminal character, or financial character issues please provide it with the application. Failure to disclose any licensing character, criminal character, or financial character issues in writing with the application is considered a material misstatement and may result in your license being denied. When in doubt provide an explanation.

You cannot hold a license issued by the Colorado Motor Vehicle Dealer Board if you have been convicted of a felony within the last 10 years of an Article 3, 4, or 5 of Title 18 of the Colorado Revised Statutes or any crime involving odometer, salvage, motor vehicle title fraud, or the defrauding of a retail consumer in a motor vehicle sale or lease transaction.  (See C.R.S. 44-20-121 (8) and C.R.S. 44-20-420 (8).

Article 3 of Title 18 includes, but is not limited to crimes against persons such as murder, assault, kidnapping, sexual assault, custody violation, menacing weapon, vehicular homicide, manslaughter, criminal extortion and enticing a child.

Article 4 of Title 18 includes, but is not limited to crimes against property, arson, theft, burglary, robbery, criminal mischief over $500, criminal trespass in the 1st degree and unlawful transfer for sale (copyright infringement).

Article 5 of Title 18 includes, but is not limited to fraud, forgery, criminal possession of a forged instrument or forging instrument, criminal impersonation, fraud by check (over $500), commercial bribery, bribery in sports and equity skimming.

MATERIAL MISSTATEMENTS - Any license issued by the Colorado Motor Vehicle Dealer Board may be denied, suspended, or revoked if a material misstatement is made in an application for a license. A “Material Misstatement” means any false or misleading statement, omission, or misrepresentation regarding personal identification information, employment history, prior occupational licensing history, criminal background and history, including filings, indictments, municipal, misdemeanor, and/or felony convictions and deferred judgments.

10. Additional Requirements
  • All documents submitted must be on 8.5” x 11” size paper.
  • Do not submit legal size copies.
  • Do not submit double sided copies.
  • Do not staple documents.
11. Other Documents

You may provide additional documents that you feel would be useful to the Colorado Motor Vehicle Dealer Board.

12. Incomplete Applications
  • All of the information on this web page is provided to assist you in ensuring that your application is not missing any required documentation.
  • The Auto Industry Division strongly recommends that you use this information to aid you in completing the application.
  • Any fields that are not complete may result in your application being rejected and may delay processing.
13. Pay Fee(s)

Check should be made payable to the Department of Revenue. All fees are subject to change July 1st of every year. See a button labeled: $ Fees.


Salesperson License

Initial Online Application

The Auto Industry Division is now accepting Salesperson License initial applications online.

NOTICE - All applicants must be in compliance with any Colorado Division of Child Support Services Child Support Order(s). Non compliance may result in a hold on your application and will delay processing.


Adobe Acrobat Reader

  • To view or print any of the forms listed on this page, you will need a free copy of Adobe Acrobat Reader.
  • You can download a copy from the Auto Industry home page - Quick Links

For additional information contact the Auto Industry Division at (303) 205-5604 or e-mail your question to: