Place of Business Requirements- Auto Industry Division



Place of Business Requirements

  1. Permanent enclosed office large enough to accommodate dealer's office.

  2. Books and records stored safely and available for inspection.
  3. Electrical service.
  4. Adequate sanitary facilities (restrooms).
  5. Space to display one or more vehicles.
  6. Hours of operation posted and opened at least 3 days per week for a continuous four hours per day between 8 AM and 9 PM.
  7. Complies with local zoning requirements.
  8. Used exclusively for dealer business (the office, entrance and display area cannot be shared with another business). Powersports are exempt from exclusive use.
  9. Property must be owned or leased. If leased, the lease must allow Dealer operations, signage and space to display one or more vehicles.
  10. Permanent sign in place or a temporary sign in place with a permanent sign ordered. The sign or device must identify the dealer by its licensed name and be clearly visible to the public from outside the building that houses the dealership or from the public entry area of the building that houses the dealership. 

Statutes and Regulations

Motor Vehicle Definition, Application, Signage, Notice of Change of Address and Principle Place of Business Statutes and Regulations

C.R.S. 44-20-102 (22) – Definition

C.R.S. 44-20-104(3)(j) - Signage Requirements Regulation

44-20-104(3)(j) - Signage Requirements

C.R.S. 44-20-104(3)(h) - Application Requirements Regulation

44-20-104(3)(h) - Application Requirements

C.R.S. 44-20-119 - Notice of Change of Address

C.R.S. 44-20-120 Principle Place of Business Requirements Regulation

44-20-120 (1) - Principle Place of Business Requirements


Powersports Application, Signage, Notice of Change of Address and Principle Place of Business Statutes and Regulations

C.R.S. 44-20-402 (17) - Definition

C.R.S. 44-20-404(i)(j) - Signage Requirements Regulation

44-20-404(i)(j) - Signage Requirements

C.R.S 44-20-404(2)(b) - Application Requirements Regulation

44-20-404(2)(b) - Application Requirements

C.R.S. 44-20-418 - Notice of Change of Address

C.R.S. 44-20-419 - Principle Place of Business Requirements Regulation

44-20-419 (1) - Principle Place of Business


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For additional information contact the Auto Industry Division at (303) 205-5604 or e-mail your question to: dor_dealers@state.co.us