All State offices will be closed on Monday, February 17, in observance of Presidents' Day.


Resources for MED Licensees

The Colorado Department of Revenue’s Marijuana Enforcement Division (MED) is partnering with the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) on their marijuana-impaired driving campaign and sharing with you newly developed marijuana-impaired driving education materials. CDOT has developed a fact sheet and tear-off pad we think your company or organization may find useful and worth sharing with your customers and employees. 

Since Colorado became the first state to legalize recreational marijuana in 2014, CDOT has been on the forefront of traffic safety campaigns for marijuana-impaired driving. CDOT understands that building relationships within the cannabis industry is crucial to educating people about the dangers of driving high and convincing cannabis consumers to make safe choices. As a trusted voice in the industry, we would love your help in distributing these materials to your customers and employees. The digital versions of the fact sheet and our tear-off pad designs are available for download. Printed tear-off pads are available upon request. Sharing this information in-store or online would help to reduce crashes and fatalities on Colorado roads.

Thank you for your support in helping keep Colorado roads safe. To learn more about the campaign and its efforts, visit CDOT’s website at If you would like to partner with CDOT on this campaign, please reach out to Sam Cole at

Aquí están los materiales en español del CDOT: