All State offices will be closed on Monday, January 20, in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day



Frequently Asked Manufacturer Questions

Where do I obtain Manufacturer Plates?

Manufacturer Plates are issued by the Division of Motor Vehicles and not the Auto Industry Division. To obtain plates, you will need to fill out form DR 2670 and submit it to the Division of Motor Vehicles.

Frequently Asked License Questions

When does my license expire?

All licenses expire on the date printed on the license next to "expires," except in cases where a license is denied, revoked or suspended. In these cases, the Colorado Motor Vehicle Dealer Board order will clearly state when the license is not valid.  Performing any activity which requires a license when that license is expired, denied, revoked, or suspended is a violation can result in disciplinary action and/or criminal charges.

If you have any questions as to whether you have a valid license and/or when it will expire please contact the Division at (303) 205-5604.

What is a grace period?

A grace period is the period of time that a license holder may renew their license rather than reapply for their license.  C.R.S. 44-20-111(4)(d) allows for a 30 day grace period.

What if my license has expired and so has the grace period?

If your license has expired and so has the grace period, you will need to re-apply. This requires a new application and bond. See the respective licensing page for more details on how to apply for license. Note that you will be required to follow all of the requirements listed.

Will I be charged a late fee if my license expires?

As soon as a license expires, a late fee will be assessed at the time of renewal, if you renew within the 30 day grace period.  For the late fee amount, please see the Fee Schedule.

I forgot to mention on my license application that I was recently arrested, what should I do?

If you did not disclose an arrest of conviction on your application, you should immediately contact the Auto Industry Division Background Investigation Team at (303) 205-5604 and provide all related arrest documents. Failure to disclose your criminal history (or recent arrests) is considered a material misstatement in an application for a license (44-20-121  C.R.S.) and could be grounds for denial of a license.

Does the Auto Industry Division have a listing of bond providers?

No, the Auto Industry Division does not have a list and does not make recommendations of this nature. Bond providers can be located online under "Surety Bonds."

Do I need to provide verifiable ID?

All natural persons receiving a benefit from the State of Colorado must provide secure and verifiable identification and an affidavit on restrictions of public benefits.  This would mean salespeople, the principals involved in a dealership or manufacturer, etc., would need to provide this information upon application for a license and at renewal.

How long will it take to conduct the background investigation on my license?

The Colorado Department of Revenue Auto Industry Division conducts approximately 4,500 background investigations per year.  The Background Investigation Team is tasked with performing a complete and thorough investigation into an applicant’s licensing, criminal, and financial character.  In many cases this can be accomplished in 30-60 days; however, there are circumstances where it can take significantly longer. In such cases the background investigator will keep the applicant informed as to their specific circumstances.

Which convictions do I need to disclose to the Colorado Motor Vehicle Dealer Board on my application?

The Colorado Motor Vehicle Dealer Board currently requires the disclosure of ALL felony convictions and ALL misdemeanor convictions within the past 10 years.  Please be aware that there are many things people believe are minor traffic violations which are in fact misdemeanors. Driving Under the Influence (DUI), No Proof of Insurance, Careless Driving, Reckless Driving, Leaving the Scene of an Accident, and Driving Under Restraint are just a few examples.  If you served time in jail or were placed on probation as a part of the conviction there is a high probability that it was a misdemeanor and needs to be disclosed.  If you have any questions as to whether something in your driving history is a misdemeanor or not disclose it anyway.

I think it’s been over 10 years since my conviction what should I do?

The Colorado Motor Vehicle Dealer Board currently requires the disclosure of ALL misdemeanor convictions within the past 10 years in addition to ALL felony convictions regardless of how long ago it occurred. You can obtain a copy of your Colorado Criminal History from the CBI; however, this information only lists offenses where fingerprints were taken.  If you were issued a summons and then released, such as with most traffic misdemeanors, it will not appear on the CBI report.  Most other states offer a similar service if you have lived in a state other than Colorado. The FBI can provide you with a criminal history as well but it will only list offenses where fingerprints were taken. Your driving record is available from the Colorado Department of Revenue Driver License Office.  There are many 3rd party companies that can provide this information for a fee.  The bottom line is that an applicant should know what they have been convicted of and should properly disclose that information to the Colorado Motor Vehicle Dealer Board. It is always better to disclose something you didn’t need to because not disclosing something you should have usually ends with the denial of a license.

Everything I was convicted of over 10 years ago doesn’t matter right?

The Colorado Motor Vehicle Dealer Board requires the disclosure of ALL felonies, no matter how long ago they occurred.  Just because a conviction isn’t required to be disclosed to the Colorado Motor Vehicle Dealer Board doesn’t mean that it isn’t important. The Background Investigation Team reports to the Colorado Motor Vehicle Dealer Board all of an applicant’s criminal convictions, not just those from the past 10 years.  An applicant’s pattern of convictions can be used as a basis for denial even when some of those convictions are over 10 years old and/or were not required to be disclosed to the Colorado Motor Vehicle Dealer Board.