All State offices will be closed on Monday, February 17, in observance of Presidents' Day.


Exempt Manufacturer - Auto Industry Division

License Type

Exempt Manufacturer

C.R.S.12-6-102 (11) “Manufacturer” means any person, firm, association, corporation, or trust, resident or nonresident, who
manufactures or assembles new and unused motor vehicles; except that “manufacturer” shall not include: (a) Any person who only manufactures utility trailers which weigh less than two thousand pounds and does not manufacture any other type of motor vehicle; and (b) Any person who is a licensed dealer selling motor vehicles which he has manufactured.

12-6-102 (12) “Motor vehicle” means every vehicle intended primarily for use and operation on the public highways which is self-propelled and every vehicle intended primarily for operation on the public highways which is not driven or propelled by its own power but which is designed to be attached to or become a part of or to be drawn by a self-propelled vehicle, not including farm tractors and other machines and tools used in the production, harvesting, and care of farm products.

42-1-102 (111) “Utility trailer” means any wheeled vehicle weighing two thousand pounds or less, without motor power, which is designed to be drawn by a motor vehicle and which is generally and commonly used to carry and transport personal effects, articles of household furniture, loads of trash and rubbish, or not to exceed two horses over the public highways.

How to Apply

Exempt Manufacturer Application (DR 2900)

Exempt Manufacturer

Initial Online Application

The Auto Industry Division  is now accepting Exempt Manufacturer initial applications online by clicking here.


The Auto Industry Division  has created a training video that is available here


Adobe Acrobat Reader

  • To view or print any of the forms listed on this page, you will need a free copy of Adobe Acrobat Reader.

  • You can download a copy from the Auto Industry home page - Quick Links

For additional information contact the Auto Industry Division at (303) 205-5604 or e-mail your question to: