Fantasy Contests
Pursuant to HB20-1286 Sunset Regulation of Fantasy Sports, the regulation of fantasy contest operators transfers from the Director of the Division of Professions and Occupations in the Department of Regulatory Agencies to the Director of the Division of Gaming in the Department of Revenue on September 1, 2020. All active registrations and licenses with the Division of Professions and Occupations as of August 30, 2020, will become active registrations and licenses with the Division of Gaming pursuant to statute.
The Division of Gaming regulates Fantasy Contest Operators in Colorado. Registration and licensure for Fantasy Contest Operators is mandatory in Colorado effective July 1, 2017. The Office’s activities include registering small Fantasy Contest Operators, licensing large Fantasy Contest Operators, investigating complaints, determining discipline, and enforcing discipline for those who violate the Colorado Statutes and Fantasy Contest Operator Rules.
The Office is a Director-model program, meaning that Colorado Law authorizes the Director of the Division of Gaming to adopt rules, set fees, and approve applications for registration and licensure as a Fantasy Contest Operator, among other powers and duties.
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Fantasy Contest Licenses
The Division of Gaming licenses large Fantasy Contest Operators (serving more than 7,500 customers) and registers small Fantast Contest Operators (serving less than 7,500 customers).