Forms and Publications - Auto Industry Division

Sorting and searching for forms

We have added tools to allow you to sort our forms by Form Number and Title by clicking on the arrows next to those headers. We have also added a search box that will let you filter the forms by those same criteria.


  • If you search for a form and don’t see it? You may have mistyped the number or name. The search function does not search inside the form so only the official title and number can be searched for.

  • If you don’t see any results? Make sure the search box is empty. This will return an unfiltered list of all results.

  • If you need to search manually? You can change the number of forms displayed by changing the “entries per page dropdown” or go to the next set of results using the arrow buttons at the bottom of the list.


Only the latest versions of all forms will be accepted by the Auto Industry.  

DR 2042
DR 2003
DR 2024
Business Disposal Dealer ApplicationDR 2995
Business Disposal Dealer Application AddendumDR 2996
Business Disposal Dealer Application InformationDR 2994
Business Disposal Statement of Financial ConditionDR 2997
DR 2237
DR 2105
DR 2837
DR 2132
Change of Ownership ApplicationDR 2016
Change of Ownership Application AddendumDR 2017
CR 0100AP
DR 2830A
DR 2830
DR 2248
DR 2109
Dealer/Wholesaler Addendum to Original License ApplicationDR 2109B
DR 2640
Dealer/Wholesaler Statement of Financial ConditionDR 2114
DR 2434
Employer CertificationDR 2115-Cert
Examination Affidavit- the use of this affidavit affirms that the online examination was taken. See Mastery Exam page for special circumstances regarding this exam.
DR 2097
Exempt Manufacturer Request FormDR 2900
DR 2658
DR 2635
DR 2012
DR 2662
DR 2043
DR 2044
DR 2693
DR 2831
Salesperson Application Information
DR 2234
Salesperson Application
DR 2115
Temporary Out of State Dealer Application InformationDR 2263
Temporary Out of State Dealer ApplicationDR 2131
Tips for Purchasing a Motor VehicleDR 2269
To Lease or Not to LeaseDR 2160
U.S. Citizens and Permanent Residents Identification ChecklistDR 2300A
DR 2197


La División de la Industria Automotriz solo aceptará las últimas versiones de todos los formularios.

Estamos continuamente agregando nuevo contenido en español. Por favor, vuelva a consultar con frecuencia.

Declaracion juradaDR 2097SP
Declaracion jurada sobre el establecimientoDR 2044SP
Declaracion jurada sobre placas de concesionario/mayoristaDR 2640SP
Estado de situacion financieraDR 2114SP
Junta de Concesionarios de Vehiculos Automotores Solicitud de licencia para concesionario/mayoristaDR 2109SP
DR 2248SP
Información de la solicitud de licencia de vendedor
DR 2234SP
Proceso de quejas para consumidores y distribuidoresDR 2267SP
Solicitud de vendedor del sector automotriz de Colorado
DR 2115SP
Verificacion de huellas digitalesDR 2197SP

Adobe Acrobat Reader

  • To view or print any of the forms listed on this page, you will need a free copy of Adobe Acrobat Reader.

  • You can download a copy from the Auto Industry home page - Quick Links