AID Complaint Form

The Auto Industry Division requires a formal written complaint. A verbal complaint presented over the telephone or in person cannot be accepted.

The consumer complaint forms can be completed on line or by using the forms DR 2121 and DR 2122.  The form should be completed explaining the specific circumstances of the situation including dates, times, and persons involved. A copy of all paperwork related to the complaint must be attached. Also include a home address and daytime telephone number.

The Auto Industry Division focuses on fraud related to the sale of a motor vehicle. We do not regulate auto repair shops. For help with complaints associated with the Motor Vehicle Repair Act, please contact the District Attorney where the repair shop is located. You may also visit the Colorado Prosecutors website to find your local District Attorney.

For additional Information, including information on what the Auto Industry Division investigates see our detailed information on auto complaints.



  • Current Complaint Form
  • Complaint Against
  • Provide Documentation
  • Signature
  • Complete
Your Name
Home Address
Mailing Address (optional)