2017 Liquor Working Groups

DR 2477 Suggested Revision to Rules & Regulations

"Statutory" SB16-197 Working Group


September 22, 2017 at 1:00PM

1881 Pierce St. - Room 110, Lakewood, CO 80214

Voting Procedures LetterRecommendations for Voting


2017 SB16-197 Working Group Meeting Schedule


Email: DOR_LED@state.co.us


Rec. #TitleYesNoNP*
5.1Definition of When the Manufacturing Process Ends 10021
5.2Option 1: Manufacturing Ends When Beverage has been Released from Bonded Warehouse or Licensee's own Federally Bonded Premises and Placed in Commerce.2--
5.3Option 2: Manufacturing Ends when Product is Bottled or Packaged so as to be Legally Sold to a Consumer and is Ready to be Placed into Commerce.8--
6.1Review of Recommendations for their Impact on the Craft Brewing Industry.71113
7Reporting Requirements for Carriers Shipping Beer, Wine, and Distilled Spirits into Colorado.12217
**NB: Working Group Members may vote EITHER on Rec. 9.1 (inclusive of sub-recommendations 9.3-9.20) OR on Rec. 9.2 (allows for individual voting on sub-recommendations 9.3-9.20)**
9.1Application Process for Grocery and Convenience Store Malt Liquor License - (Accept all Listed Requirements)3207
**NB: Any Working Group Member who already voted on Rec. 9.1 should not participate in the vote on 9.2**
9.2Application Process for Grocery and Convenience Store Malt Liquor License - (Accept some listed requirements)1--
**NB: Only Working Group Members who voted YES on 9.2 should participate in the voting for sub-recommendations 9.3-9.20
9.3Application Processing Time1--
9.4Survey and Needs and Desires Hearing1--
9.5No Modification of Premises1--
9.6Transition of Current On and Off Premises Licenses1--
9.7Distance from Schools--1
9.8Distance from Retail Liquor Licensed Premises--1
9.9Separation of Inventories1--
9.10Age of Employees1--
9.11Alcohol by Volume (ABV) Limitation--1
9.12Refrigeration Requirement--1
9.13Limitation on Refrigerated Beverage Retail Space--1
9.14Separation of Malt Liquor and Non-Alcohol Products--1
9.15No Sales of Alcohol-Branded Merchandise1--
9.16No Sales of Home Brew or Winemaking Equipment1--
9.17No Sales Below Invoice Cost1--
9.18No Point of Sale (POS) Marketing or Sales of Malt Liquor Products1--
9.19Only 6- and 12-Packs Allowed--1
9.20Compliance with Other Malt Liquor License Requirements1--
11 + 15Single License for Fermented Malt Beverages and Malt Liquor17410
12 + 17Prohibiting Public Consumption of Fermented Malt Beverages and Malt Liquors1489
13Statutory and Rule Changes Regarding Tastings on the Premises of Retail Liquor Stores and Liquor-Licensed Drugstores
13.1Timing of Tastings and Annual Limit of 150 Days per Year19210
13.2Storing Unconsumed Alcohol Beverage Samples in a Locked, Secure Area on the Licensed Premises17113
13.3Allowing Supplier Representatives to Pour Alcohol Products under the Supervision of the RLS and LLDS Employees2128
13.4RLS or LLDS Licensees Solely Responsible for Administrative Violations2047
13.5Supplier Pouring at Sampling and Tasting Events not a Cost of Labor19111
13.6Clarification Regarding RLS and LLDS Financial Responsibility for a Tasting2128
16Local Review Process for 3.2% Fermented Malt Beverage Licensees to Sell Higher-Strength Beer51214
18Aligning Requirements between FMB Licenses in §12-46, C.R.S. and Alcohol Beverage Licenses in §12-47, C.R.S.
18.1Provisions for Off Premises and On/Off Premises FMB Licenses on December 31, 20189616
18.2Provisions for New FMB Licenses On or After January 1, 201981112
18.3Provisions for Transfer of Ownership of an Existing FMB License after January 1, 201991111
19Annual Briefing on the Protection and Promotion of the Three-Tier System in Colorado (Includes Recs. 3 & 8)71212
21Prohibiting or Allowing the Public Consumption of All Alcohol Beverages10912
22 + 23No Substantial Statutory Changes or New Licensing Requirements Needed to Manage the Transition of Removing the Alcohol By Volume Cap on Fermented Malt Beverages (Includes Recs. 2, 4 & 14)1399

*No Position


SB16-197 Statutory Subgroup


Patrick Maroney | Chair

Charles Carlson | Vice-Chair

Ron Kammerzell | Chair

Donia Amick | Vice-Chair

Donia Amick | Chair

Kevin Bommer | Vice-Chair



SB16-197 Statutory Working Group Members

Michael HartmanDepartment of Revenue (Non-Voting Member)
Cory AmendDepartment of Revenue
Patrick MaroneyLiquor Enforcement Division
Jennifer AndersonAttorney General\'s Office
Bob HuntBrewery (Large)
Garin VorthmannBrewery (Large)
Andres Gil ZaldanaBrewery (Small)
Laura LongBrewery (Small)
Jason BassettConvenience Store
Kathryn WorksConvenience Store
Kristen HuberCounty Government
Jenny WoodCommunity Prevention
Steve GouldDistillery (Colorado)
Joan Green TurnerDistillery (National)
Lloyd FelixGrocery Store
Ryan IrsikGrocery Store
Nick HooverHotels | Restaurants
Amie MayhewHotels | Restaurants
Joseph DelmonicoLaw Enforcement
Adam StapenLiquor - Attorney
John TiptonLiquor - Attorney
Blake HarrisonMember At Large
Kurt MorrisonMember At Large
Fran LanzerMothers Against Drunk Drivers (MADD)
Kevin BommerMunicipal Government
Jeanne McEvoyOff Premises Retailer
Bruce DierkingRetail Liquor Store (Large)
Jim ShpallRetail Liquor Store (Large)
Charles CarlsonRetail Liquor Store (Small)
Steve FindleyWholesaler
Micki HackenbergerWholesaler
Stephanie FransenTavern
Doug CaskeyWinery (Colorado)
Tyler RuddWinery (National)


Rec 197-001- Unfair Trade Practices & CompetitionWithdrawn
Rec 197-002- Reclassification of Fermented Malt Beverage LicensesSee Recommendation 23
Rec 197-003-Promotion of 3-Tier System Analysis by LEDSee Recommendation 19
Rec 197-004- No Action in "Reclassification" of Malt LiquorSee Recommendation 23
Rec 197-005- Definition of the Terms "Manufacture" & "Produce"Revised
Rec 197-006- Craft Breweries | Public Consumption | Value of Labor 
Rec 197-007- Common Carriers 
Rec 197-008- Preservation of the 3-Tier SystemSee Recommendation 19
Rec 197-009- Application Process for Grocery & Convenience Stores 
Rec 197-010- Reclassification of FMB LicensesWithdrawn
Rec 197-011- Single License for 3.2 & Malt Liquor 
Rec 197-012- Public Consumption 
Rec 197-013- Tastings in RLS & LLDSRevised
Rec 197-014- No Rule Changes Pertaining to Transition of Full Strength FMBSee Recommendation 23
Rec 197-015- Single License for 3.2 & Malt Liquor 
Rec 197-016- Application Process for Grocery & Convenience Stores 
Rec 197-017- Public Consumption 
Rec 197-018- FMB License (Article 46) Requirements Consistent Article 47Optional for 10
Rec 197-019- Promotion & Preservation of 3-Tier SystemRecommendation 3 & 8 Combined
Rec 197-020-Consumer Participation in Manufacturing ProcessWithdrawn
Rec 197-021- Malt Liquor ABV Consistent w/Vinous & Spirituous (Public Consumption) 
Rec 197-022- Auto Reclassification of Grocery & Convenience Stores per Legislative Intent 
Rec 197-023- Continue with FMB Definition ChangeRecommendation 2, 4 & 14 Combined


Malt vs FMB Analysis UpdatedSB16-197 Topics for Further Discussion


August 18, 2017 at 1:00PM | 1881 Pierce Street - Room 110
July 21, 2017 at 1:00PM | Division of Gaming -17301 W. Colfax Avenue - Golden


May 19, 2017 | 1:00 PM to 4:30PM |1200 Seventeenth Street Suite 3000


January 20, 2017 | 1:00 PM to 4:30 PM | 1300 Broadway A& B(Carr Building)


December 13, 2016 | 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM |305 Interlocken Pkwy (Dept. of Ag.)


November 17, 2016 | 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM305 Interlocken Pkwy (Dept. of Ag.)
Recording #1 Recording #2 Recording #3


October 13, 2016 | 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM |305 Interlocken Pkwy (Dept. of Ag.)
Recording#1 Recording #2


August 1, 2016 | 9:00 AM to Noon | 1300 Broadway 1B & 1C




Recommendation 3 & 8 Combined


July 21, 2017 at 1:00 PM| Division of Gaming -17301 W. Colfax Avenue - Golden


Rec 197-001- Unfair Trade Practices & CompetitionWithdrawn
Rec 197-002- Reclassification of Fermented Malt Beverage LicensesSee Recommendation 23
Rec 197-003-Promotion of 3-Tier System Analysis by LEDSee Recommendation 19
Rec 197-004- No Action in "Reclassification" of Malt LiquorSee Recommendation 23
Rec 197-005- Definition of the Terms "Manufacture" & "Produce"Revised
Rec 197-006- Craft Breweries | Public Consumption | Value of Labor 
Rec 197-007- Common Carriers 
Rec 197-008- Preservation of the 3-Tier SystemSee Recommendation 19
Rec 197-009- Application Process for Grocery & Convenience Stores 
Rec 197-010- Reclassification of FMB LicensesWithdrawn
Rec 197-011- Single License for 3.2 & Malt Liquor 
Rec 197-012- Public Consumption 
Rec 197-013- Tastings in RLS & LLDSRevised
Rec 197-014- No Rule Changes Pertaining to Transition of Full Strength FMBSee Recommendation 23
Rec 197-015- Single License for 3.2 & Malt Liquor 
Rec 197-016- Application Process for Grocery & Convenience Stores 
Rec 197-017- Public Consumption 
Rec 197-018- FMB License (Article 46) Requirements Consistent Article 47Optional for 10
Rec 197-019- Promotion &, Preservation of 3-Tier SystemRecommendation 3 & 8 Combined
Rec 197-020-Consumer Participation in Manufacturing ProcessWithdrawn
Rec 197-021- Malt Liquor ABV Consistent w/Vinous & Spirituous (Public Consumption) 
Rec 197-022- Auto Reclassification of Grocery & Convenience Stores per Legislative Intent 
Rec 197-023- Continue with FMB Definition ChangeRecommendation 2, 4 & 14 Combined


September 27, 2017 | 1:00PM | 1881 Pierce St. #110


August 17, 2017 | 1:00PM | 1881 Pierce St. #110
Proposed Rule Changes
July 6, 2017 | 1:00PM | 1881 Pierce St. #110

DR 2477 | Suggested Submission to Rules & Regulations


Email: DOR_LED@state.co.us

2017 Liquor Working Group Members

Department of Revenue
Liquor Enforcement Division
Anheuser Busch
Colorado Association of Chiefs of Police
Colorado Bar Owners Association
Colorado Beer Distributors Association
Colorado Brewers Guild
Colorado Counties Inc.
Colorado County Clerks Association
Colorado Department of Human Services
Colorado Distillers Guild
Colorado Licensed Beverage Association
Colorado Municipal Clerks Association
Colorado Municipal League
Colorado Restaurant Association
Colorado Wine Industry Development Board
Colorado Wyoming Petroleum Marketers Association
Coloradoans for Safety
County Sheriffs of Colorado
Distilled Spirits Council of the United States
King Soopers | City Market
Kum & Go
Liquor Attorneys
Rocky Mountain Food Industry
Support Your Local Liquor Store
Tavern League of Colorado
Wine & Spirits Wholesalers of Colorado
Wine Institute


Letter of Invitation 2017 Working Group


2017 Liquor Rulemaking Hearing

Permanent Rule Hearing 2017 (Filed November 15, 2017)

Hearing - December 19, 2017


Permanent Rule for Fee Increase (Filed June 28, 2017)

Hearing - August 10, 2017


Emergency Rule for Fee Increase (Filed June 28, 2017)

(Effective July1, 2017)


Permanent Rule for Lodging & Entertainment License

May 30, 2017 (Effective Upon Signature)


Permanent Rule for Fee Increase (Filed December 22, 2016)

Hearing - February 9, 2017


Emergency Rule for Fee Increase (Filed December 22, 2016)

(Effective January 1, 2017)