DR 2477 Suggested Revision to Rules & Regulations
"Statutory" SB16-197 Working Group
September 22, 2017 at 1:00PM 1881 Pierce St. - Room 110, Lakewood, CO 80214 | |
Voting Procedures Letter | Recommendations for Voting |
Agenda | Minutes |
2017 SB16-197 Working Group Meeting Schedule
Email: DOR_LED@state.co.us
Rec. # | Title | Yes | No | NP* |
5.1 | Definition of When the Manufacturing Process Ends | 10 | 0 | 21 |
5.2 | Option 1: Manufacturing Ends When Beverage has been Released from Bonded Warehouse or Licensee's own Federally Bonded Premises and Placed in Commerce. | 2 | - | - |
5.3 | Option 2: Manufacturing Ends when Product is Bottled or Packaged so as to be Legally Sold to a Consumer and is Ready to be Placed into Commerce. | 8 | - | - |
6.1 | Review of Recommendations for their Impact on the Craft Brewing Industry. | 7 | 11 | 13 |
7 | Reporting Requirements for Carriers Shipping Beer, Wine, and Distilled Spirits into Colorado. | 12 | 2 | 17 |
**NB: Working Group Members may vote EITHER on Rec. 9.1 (inclusive of sub-recommendations 9.3-9.20) OR on Rec. 9.2 (allows for individual voting on sub-recommendations 9.3-9.20)** | ||||
9.1 | Application Process for Grocery and Convenience Store Malt Liquor License - (Accept all Listed Requirements) | 3 | 20 | 7 |
**NB: Any Working Group Member who already voted on Rec. 9.1 should not participate in the vote on 9.2** | ||||
9.2 | Application Process for Grocery and Convenience Store Malt Liquor License - (Accept some listed requirements) | 1 | - | - |
**NB: Only Working Group Members who voted YES on 9.2 should participate in the voting for sub-recommendations 9.3-9.20 | ||||
9.3 | Application Processing Time | 1 | - | - |
9.4 | Survey and Needs and Desires Hearing | 1 | - | - |
9.5 | No Modification of Premises | 1 | - | - |
9.6 | Transition of Current On and Off Premises Licenses | 1 | - | - |
9.7 | Distance from Schools | - | - | 1 |
9.8 | Distance from Retail Liquor Licensed Premises | - | - | 1 |
9.9 | Separation of Inventories | 1 | - | - |
9.10 | Age of Employees | 1 | - | - |
9.11 | Alcohol by Volume (ABV) Limitation | - | - | 1 |
9.12 | Refrigeration Requirement | - | - | 1 |
9.13 | Limitation on Refrigerated Beverage Retail Space | - | - | 1 |
9.14 | Separation of Malt Liquor and Non-Alcohol Products | - | - | 1 |
9.15 | No Sales of Alcohol-Branded Merchandise | 1 | - | - |
9.16 | No Sales of Home Brew or Winemaking Equipment | 1 | - | - |
9.17 | No Sales Below Invoice Cost | 1 | - | - |
9.18 | No Point of Sale (POS) Marketing or Sales of Malt Liquor Products | 1 | - | - |
9.19 | Only 6- and 12-Packs Allowed | - | - | 1 |
9.20 | Compliance with Other Malt Liquor License Requirements | 1 | - | - |
11 + 15 | Single License for Fermented Malt Beverages and Malt Liquor | 17 | 4 | 10 |
12 + 17 | Prohibiting Public Consumption of Fermented Malt Beverages and Malt Liquors | 14 | 8 | 9 |
13 | Statutory and Rule Changes Regarding Tastings on the Premises of Retail Liquor Stores and Liquor-Licensed Drugstores | |||
13.1 | Timing of Tastings and Annual Limit of 150 Days per Year | 19 | 2 | 10 |
13.2 | Storing Unconsumed Alcohol Beverage Samples in a Locked, Secure Area on the Licensed Premises | 17 | 1 | 13 |
13.3 | Allowing Supplier Representatives to Pour Alcohol Products under the Supervision of the RLS and LLDS Employees | 21 | 2 | 8 |
13.4 | RLS or LLDS Licensees Solely Responsible for Administrative Violations | 20 | 4 | 7 |
13.5 | Supplier Pouring at Sampling and Tasting Events not a Cost of Labor | 19 | 1 | 11 |
13.6 | Clarification Regarding RLS and LLDS Financial Responsibility for a Tasting | 21 | 2 | 8 |
16 | Local Review Process for 3.2% Fermented Malt Beverage Licensees to Sell Higher-Strength Beer | 5 | 12 | 14 |
18 | Aligning Requirements between FMB Licenses in §12-46, C.R.S. and Alcohol Beverage Licenses in §12-47, C.R.S. | |||
18.1 | Provisions for Off Premises and On/Off Premises FMB Licenses on December 31, 2018 | 9 | 6 | 16 |
18.2 | Provisions for New FMB Licenses On or After January 1, 2019 | 8 | 11 | 12 |
18.3 | Provisions for Transfer of Ownership of an Existing FMB License after January 1, 2019 | 9 | 11 | 11 |
19 | Annual Briefing on the Protection and Promotion of the Three-Tier System in Colorado (Includes Recs. 3 & 8) | 7 | 12 | 12 |
21 | Prohibiting or Allowing the Public Consumption of All Alcohol Beverages | 10 | 9 | 12 |
22 + 23 | No Substantial Statutory Changes or New Licensing Requirements Needed to Manage the Transition of Removing the Alcohol By Volume Cap on Fermented Malt Beverages (Includes Recs. 2, 4 & 14) | 13 | 9 | 9 |
*No Position
SB16-197 Statutory Subgroup
Patrick Maroney | Chair Charles Carlson | Vice-Chair | Ron Kammerzell | Chair Donia Amick | Vice-Chair | Donia Amick | Chair Kevin Bommer | Vice-Chair |
SB16-197 Statutory Working Group Members
Name | Representing |
Michael Hartman | Department of Revenue (Non-Voting Member) |
Cory Amend | Department of Revenue |
Patrick Maroney | Liquor Enforcement Division |
Jennifer Anderson | Attorney General\'s Office |
Bob Hunt | Brewery (Large) |
Garin Vorthmann | Brewery (Large) |
Andres Gil Zaldana | Brewery (Small) |
Laura Long | Brewery (Small) |
Jason Bassett | Convenience Store |
Kathryn Works | Convenience Store |
Kristen Huber | County Government |
Jenny Wood | Community Prevention |
Steve Gould | Distillery (Colorado) |
Joan Green Turner | Distillery (National) |
Lloyd Felix | Grocery Store |
Ryan Irsik | Grocery Store |
Nick Hoover | Hotels | Restaurants |
Amie Mayhew | Hotels | Restaurants |
Joseph Delmonico | Law Enforcement |
Adam Stapen | Liquor - Attorney |
John Tipton | Liquor - Attorney |
Blake Harrison | Member At Large |
Kurt Morrison | Member At Large |
Fran Lanzer | Mothers Against Drunk Drivers (MADD) |
Kevin Bommer | Municipal Government |
Jeanne McEvoy | Off Premises Retailer |
Bruce Dierking | Retail Liquor Store (Large) |
Jim Shpall | Retail Liquor Store (Large) |
Charles Carlson | Retail Liquor Store (Small) |
Steve Findley | Wholesaler |
Micki Hackenberger | Wholesaler |
Stephanie Fransen | Tavern |
Doug Caskey | Winery (Colorado) |
Tyler Rudd | Winery (National) |
Rec 197-001- Unfair Trade Practices & Competition | Withdrawn | ||
Rec 197-002- Reclassification of Fermented Malt Beverage Licenses | See Recommendation 23 | ||
Rec 197-003-Promotion of 3-Tier System Analysis by LED | See Recommendation 19 | ||
Rec 197-004- No Action in "Reclassification" of Malt Liquor | See Recommendation 23 | ||
Rec 197-005- Definition of the Terms "Manufacture" & "Produce" | Revised | ||
Rec 197-006- Craft Breweries | Public Consumption | Value of Labor | |||
Rec 197-007- Common Carriers | |||
Rec 197-008- Preservation of the 3-Tier System | See Recommendation 19 | ||
Rec 197-009- Application Process for Grocery & Convenience Stores | |||
Rec 197-010- Reclassification of FMB Licenses | Withdrawn | ||
Rec 197-011- Single License for 3.2 & Malt Liquor | |||
Rec 197-012- Public Consumption | |||
Rec 197-013- Tastings in RLS & LLDS | Revised | ||
Rec 197-014- No Rule Changes Pertaining to Transition of Full Strength FMB | See Recommendation 23 | ||
Rec 197-015- Single License for 3.2 & Malt Liquor | |||
Rec 197-016- Application Process for Grocery & Convenience Stores | |||
Rec 197-017- Public Consumption | |||
Rec 197-018- FMB License (Article 46) Requirements Consistent Article 47 | Optional for 10 | ||
Rec 197-019- Promotion & Preservation of 3-Tier System | Recommendation 3 & 8 Combined | ||
Rec 197-020-Consumer Participation in Manufacturing Process | Withdrawn | ||
Rec 197-021- Malt Liquor ABV Consistent w/Vinous & Spirituous (Public Consumption) | |||
Rec 197-022- Auto Reclassification of Grocery & Convenience Stores per Legislative Intent | |||
Rec 197-023- Continue with FMB Definition Change | Recommendation 2, 4 & 14 Combined |
Malt vs FMB Analysis Updated | SB16-197 Topics for Further Discussion |
August 18, 2017 at 1:00PM | 1881 Pierce Street - Room 110 | |
Agenda | Minutes |
July 21, 2017 at 1:00PM | Division of Gaming -17301 W. Colfax Avenue - Golden | |
Agenda | Minutes |
May 19, 2017 | 1:00 PM to 4:30PM |1200 Seventeenth Street Suite 3000 | |
Agenda | Minutes |
November 17, 2016 | 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM | 305 Interlocken Pkwy (Dept. of Ag.) | |
Agenda | Minutes |
Recording #1 Recording #2 Recording #3 |
October 13, 2016 | 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM |305 Interlocken Pkwy (Dept. of Ag.) | |
Agenda | Minutes |
Recording#1 Recording #2 |
August 1, 2016 | 9:00 AM to Noon | 1300 Broadway 1B & 1C | |
Agenda | Minutes |
Recording |
Withdrawn |
Recommendation 3 & 8 Combined |
July 21, 2017 at 1:00 PM| Division of Gaming -17301 W. Colfax Avenue - Golden | |
Agenda | Minutes |
Rec 197-001- Unfair Trade Practices & Competition | Withdrawn |
Rec 197-002- Reclassification of Fermented Malt Beverage Licenses | See Recommendation 23 |
Rec 197-003-Promotion of 3-Tier System Analysis by LED | See Recommendation 19 |
Rec 197-004- No Action in "Reclassification" of Malt Liquor | See Recommendation 23 |
Rec 197-005- Definition of the Terms "Manufacture" & "Produce" | Revised |
Rec 197-006- Craft Breweries | Public Consumption | Value of Labor | |
Rec 197-007- Common Carriers | |
Rec 197-008- Preservation of the 3-Tier System | See Recommendation 19 |
Rec 197-009- Application Process for Grocery & Convenience Stores | |
Rec 197-010- Reclassification of FMB Licenses | Withdrawn |
Rec 197-011- Single License for 3.2 & Malt Liquor | |
Rec 197-012- Public Consumption | |
Rec 197-013- Tastings in RLS & LLDS | Revised |
Rec 197-014- No Rule Changes Pertaining to Transition of Full Strength FMB | See Recommendation 23 |
Rec 197-015- Single License for 3.2 & Malt Liquor | |
Rec 197-016- Application Process for Grocery & Convenience Stores | |
Rec 197-017- Public Consumption | |
Rec 197-018- FMB License (Article 46) Requirements Consistent Article 47 | Optional for 10 |
Rec 197-019- Promotion &, Preservation of 3-Tier System | Recommendation 3 & 8 Combined |
Rec 197-020-Consumer Participation in Manufacturing Process | Withdrawn |
Rec 197-021- Malt Liquor ABV Consistent w/Vinous & Spirituous (Public Consumption) | |
Rec 197-022- Auto Reclassification of Grocery & Convenience Stores per Legislative Intent | |
Rec 197-023- Continue with FMB Definition Change | Recommendation 2, 4 & 14 Combined |
August 17, 2017 | 1:00PM | 1881 Pierce St. #110 | |
Proposed Rule Changes | |
Agenda | Minutes |
Recording |
DR 2477 | Suggested Submission to Rules & Regulations
Email: DOR_LED@state.co.us
2017 Liquor Working Group Members
Representation |
Department of Revenue |
Liquor Enforcement Division |
Anheuser Busch |
Colorado Association of Chiefs of Police |
Colorado Bar Owners Association |
Colorado Beer Distributors Association |
Colorado Brewers Guild |
Colorado Counties Inc. |
Colorado County Clerks Association |
Colorado Department of Human Services |
Colorado Distillers Guild |
Colorado Licensed Beverage Association |
Colorado Municipal Clerks Association |
Colorado Municipal League |
Colorado Restaurant Association |
Colorado Wine Industry Development Board |
Colorado Wyoming Petroleum Marketers Association |
Coloradoans for Safety |
Costco |
County Sheriffs of Colorado |
Distilled Spirits Council of the United States |
King Soopers | City Market |
Kum & Go |
Liquor Attorneys |
Miller-Coors |
Rocky Mountain Food Industry |
Safeway |
Support Your Local Liquor Store |
Target |
Tavern League of Colorado |
Wal-Mart |
Wine & Spirits Wholesalers of Colorado |
Wine Institute |
Letter of Invitation 2017 Working Group
2017 Liquor Rulemaking Hearing
Permanent Rule Hearing 2017 (Filed November 15, 2017)
Hearing - December 19, 2017
Permanent Rule for Fee Increase (Filed June 28, 2017)
Hearing - August 10, 2017
Emergency Rule for Fee Increase (Filed June 28, 2017)
(Effective July1, 2017)
Permanent Rule for Lodging & Entertainment License
May 30, 2017 (Effective Upon Signature)
Permanent Rule for Fee Increase (Filed December 22, 2016)
Hearing - February 9, 2017
Emergency Rule for Fee Increase (Filed December 22, 2016)
(Effective January 1, 2017)