Retail Liquor Store Inventory Sales

Per Senate Bill 24-231, as of August 7, 2024, Retail Liquor Stores may sell or otherwise transfer all of the licensee's alcohol beverage inventory to another licensed Retail Liquor Store. 

In order to facilitate the notification process, the Liquor and Tobacco Enforcement Division (LED) has developed the form available below, for the selling and acquiring licensees to notify the Local Licensing Authorities and LED of the pending sale or transfer of alcohol beverage inventory to another licensed retail liquor store.

In addition and as required by 44-3-409(7)(c), it is the LED's responsibility to post notice of the pending sale or transfer to the website. The list will be available on this page as the Division gets notified.

Contact the Division with any question or concern at dor_led@state.co.us.

Click here to access and download DR 8460 Retail Liquor Store Inventory Purchase form.