July 17, 2024
Dear Lodging and Entertainment Facility Licensees and Clerks,
The Division would like to share an important update regarding a substantial change to this license type effective August 6, 2024.
Towards the end of the 2024 Regular Session, the General Assembly passed SB24-231. This bill contained many of the consensus recommendations of the Liquor Advisory Group (LAG) convened by Governor Polis in 2023. One of the provisions, passed with consensus by the LAG and then by the General Assembly, was a split of the Lodging and Entertainment Facility License.
According to the legislation, neither the state nor the local licensing authorities will issue Lodging and Entertainment Facility Licenses. Instead, the state and local licensing authorities will issue either a Lodging Facility License or an Entertainment Facility License. A current Lodging and Entertainment Facility Licensee will need to decide which license type best applies to their business and apply for that new license when it comes time for them to renew. To be clear, current Lodging and Entertainment Facility Licensees will continue to hold their license past August 6, 2024, but once that license expires, instead of renewing the Lodging and Entertainment Facility License, the licensee shall select either the Lodging Facility or Entertainment Facility License in order to continue operating.
Pursuant to 44-3-103(15.5) C.R.S., an Entertainment Facility means an establishment in which the primary business is to provide the public with sports or entertainment activities within its licensed premises; and that, incidental to its primary business, sells and serves alcohol beverages at retail for consumption on the licensed premises; and has sandwiches and light snacks available for consumption on the licensed premises.
Pursuant to 44-3-103(29) C.R.S., a Lodging Facility means an establishment in which the primary business is to provide the public with sleeping rooms and meeting facilities; and that sells and serves alcohol beverages at retail for consumption on the licensed premises; and has sandwiches and light snacks available for consumption on the licensed premises.
Once the holder of a Lodging and Entertainment Facility license reaches the expiration of their license, it is the responsibility of the licensee to determine which new license type is appropriate for their business and convert to that new license.
Please email dor_liqlicensing@state.co.us with any questions regarding this notice.
Thank You,
Colorado Liquor Enforcement Division
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