Lodging Facility License and Entertainment Facility License to Replace Lodging and Entertainment Facility License


August 2, 2024 

Dear Lodging and Entertainment Facility Licensees and Clerks, 

As communicated previously substantial change to this license type becomes effective August 7, 2024. 

To read the initial communication, please click the link below: 

Lodging Facility License and Entertainment Facility License to Replace Lodging and Entertainment Facility License  

As a reminder, once the holder of a Lodging and Entertainment Facility license reaches the expiration of their license, it is the responsibility of the licensee to determine which new license type is appropriate for their business and convert to that new license. 

 In order to facilitate this conversion, the Division has developed a letter/form for the licensees and clerks to utilize when communicating the licensee's selection. Please complete the form linked below and return it with your renewal to your local licensing authority so their records can be updated and forwarded to the Division. 

To view the letter/form, please click the link below: 

Lodging and Entertainment License Conversion Letter/Form 

Please email dor_liqlicensing@state.co.us with any questions regarding this notice.  

Thank You, 

Colorado Liquor Enforcement Division 

Click Here to View or Download the pdf. Format of this Communication