Liquor Enforcement Laws, Rules, Regulations

NOTE FOR LIQUOR RULES: The copy of the rules (below) are provided as a convenience to the public by the Colorado Department of Revenue and do not constitute an official publication. The official version of these rules are published by the Office of the Secretary of State in the Colorado Code of Regulations and may be obtained from the Colorado Secretary of State's website

The Colorado Liquor Enforcement Division oversees:

  • Licensing of Colorado Liquor Industry
  • Enforcement of Colorado's liquor control laws.
  • Enforcement of Colorado tobacco control laws in compliance with federal mandates

Liquor law enforcement in Colorado includes both criminal and administrative (license) sanctions for law violators. Typically, individuals are cited criminally for liquor law violations and licensed businesses are cited administratively. Criminal sanctions for most liquor law violations range from class II petty offenses up to class II misdemeanors. The Liquor code contains one felony provision, which occurs when a licensee permits illegal gambling to occur on their licensed premises. Both Division investigators and local law enforcement agencies have the authority to investigate liquor law violations.

To Report Underage Drinking Hotline 

The Division investigates a wide range of complaints including:

  • regulatory compliances
  • food service
  • alcohol purchases source
  • sales to minors
  • sales to intoxicated
  • wholesale trade practices
  • hidden ownership
  • conduct of establishment.

The Division's enforcement program ensures a uniform statewide enforcement effort that is not subject to local law enforcement budget or political constraints.

The Division's enforcement section also conducts license compliance inspections and provides training classes to local law enforcement, local licensing authorities, liquor industry and interested public groups.