April 7, 2020
Dear Liquor Stakeholders,
In an effort to expedite and streamline the acceptance of renewal applications during this health emergency, the Liquor Enforcement Division (LED) has created an online portal to accept payments.
What does this mean for retail licensees?
If you hold a retail class of license and turn your application into a Local Licensing Authority, you will continue to do so. If you are given the option to submit your payment to the state by the Local Licensing Authority, you can do so by going to our payment portal.
Our state vendor charges a transaction fee for online payments via credit card. The fee is equal to [(renewal fee+$0.75) x 2.25 %)] + $0.75. There is a flat $1.00 fee for payments made with an echeck.
Once we receive your renewal paperwork and payment, we will process your renewal application. Your renewed license will then be mailed or emailed to the applicable Local Licensing Authority in the city or county in which your business is located. The LED will continue to use our standard criteria to determine license suitability and make licensing recommendations.
What does this mean for state issued licensees?
Renewal applications can be mailed with a check to the LED, or emailed to dor_liqlicensing@state.co.us. If you email your application, you will be provided with a link to make your payment online. Our mailing address is 1697 Cole Blvd., Suite 200, Lakewood, CO 80401-or-PO Box 17087, Denver, CO 80217-0087.
Applications will only be processed once payment is received either by check or through our online payment portal. The LED will continue to use our standard criteria to determine license suitability and make licensing recommendations.
At this time, there is no way to upload the renewal paperwork through our online payment portal.
It is our hope this process relieves some of the burdens of processing renewals while large numbers of your staff may be working remotely. We believe this process will also speed up the turnaround time that Local Licensing Authorities and licensees commonly wait after they approve and send renewal applications to our office. The LED will re-evaluate this process at the end of the current health emergency to determine if it was successful. If successful, it may be implemented indefinitely.
This online payment option is currently only extended to renewal applications. Should this change in the future the LED will make additional notifications. Please don't hesitate to reach out to us at dor_led@state.co.us, or by calling (303) 205-2300. Remember that the faster renewals are turned in to the LED, the faster we can assist you with returning an approved license.
Best Regards,
Colorado Liquor Enforcement Division