Do I Qualify to Apply for a Gaming License?

The following is a list of Automatic Disqualifiers which prevent individuals from receiving a gaming license.  If you answer YES to any of these questions, by Colorado law, you cannot obtain or hold a Colorado gaming license.

  1. Have you ever been convicted of any gambling-related felony at any time?
  2. Have you ever been convicted of any felony involving theft by deception (including, but not limited to, embezzlement and other thefts using fraud, trickery, scams, con games, illegal schemes, etc.) at any time?
  3. Have you ever been convicted of any felony involving fraud or misrepresentation (including, but not limited to, bad checks, fraud, forgery, perjury, tax or welfare fraud, and crimes involving false documentation) at any time?
  4. Have you served a sentence, including probation or parole, within the past ten years upon conviction for any felony, even if the conviction occurred more than ten years ago?
  5. Have you served a sentence, including probation or parole, within the past ten years upon conviction of any misdemeanor gambling-related offense, even if the conviction occurred more than ten years ago?
  6. Have you served a sentence, including probation or parole, within the past ten years upon conviction of any misdemeanor theft by deception offense (including, but not limited to, embezzlement and other thefts using fraud, trickery, scams, con games, illegal schemes, etc.), even if the conviction occurred more than ten years ago?
  7. Have you served a sentence, including probation or parole, within the past ten years upon conviction of any misdemeanor involving fraud or misrepresentation (including, but not limited to, bad checks, fraud, forgery, perjury, tax or welfare fraud, and crimes involving false documentation), even if the conviction occurred more than ten years ago?
  8. Are you currently being prosecuted or facing pending charges, in any jurisdiction, for any of the above offenses, or are you on a deferred prosecution or a deferred judgment and sentence for any of the above offenses?
  9. Have you ever been convicted of professional gambling as defined by Colorado law? Colorado Division of Gaming, “Automatic Disqualifiers.”
  10. Have you ever been identified as a career offender or a member of a career offender cartel?
  11. Have you ever refused to cooperate with any legislative body or other official investigatory body involved in the investigation of crimes related to gaming, official corruption, or organized crime?
  12. Are you under 18 years of age at the time of this application?
  13. Are you the spouse or child living in the household of any person employed by the Colorado Division of Gaming or the Limited Gaming Control Commission?
  14. Are you an officer, reserve police officer, agent, or employee of any law enforcement agency of the state of Colorado with the authority to investigate or prosecute crime in Teller or Gilpin counties or of any law enforcement agency or detention or correctional facility within Teller or Gilpin counties?
  15. Are you a district, county, or municipal court judge whose jurisdiction includes all or part of Teller or Gilpin counties?
  16. Are you an elected municipal official or county commissioner of Teller or Gilpin counties or the cities of Central City, Black Hawk or Cripple Creek?
  17. Are you a Central City, Black Hawk or Cripple Creek city manager or planning commission member?

NOTICE: The License Application Form is an official document. If you provide false information on your gaming license application and/or do not disclose all information the application asks, your license is subject to denial or revocation, and you may be subject to criminal prosecution.  The Division of Gaming will conduct a complete background investigation and will check all sources of information.  Applicants are advised that it is better to disclose all information than face denial, revocation, or criminal prosecution.

If you need clarification of any of the above questions, please contact the Investigations Section at any of the three Division of Gaming offices.

Automatic Disqualifiers last revised on November 28, 2022