All State offices will be closed on Monday, January 20, in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day


Bulletin 24-03 - Purchase Limit Increase


December 31, 2024


Senate Bill 24-231 increased the amount an on-premise retailer may purchase from an off-premise retailer from $2,000 per year to $7,000 per year.


The retailers that may purchase up to $7,000 per year are Beer and Wine Licensees, Hotel and Restaurant Licensees, Tavern Licensees, Retail Gaming Tavern Licensees, Brew Pub Licensees, Club Licensees, Arts Licensees, Racetrack Licensees, Vinter’s Restaurant Licensees, Distillery Pub Licensees, Entertainment Facility Licensees, and Lodging Facility Licensees.


The license types above may use this purchase limit to purchase from retail liquor stores, liquor-licensed drug stores, fermented malt beverage and wine retailers (off), and/ or fermented malt beverage and wine retailers (on/off).

This increased purchase limit goes into effect on January 1, 2025. Purchases from retailers may not exceed $7,000 for the calendar year. To account for inflation each year after 2025, Senate Bill 24-231 permits the Liquor Enforcement Division to adjust this limit annually, which will be posted on its website on the first of every year thereafter.


Please do not hesitate to contact LED at if you have any questions, issues, or comments.


Colorado Liquor and Tobacco Enforcement Division


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