BULLETIN 21-04 Cigarette/Tobacco/Nicotine Retailer License Grace Period Ending September 30, 2021

DATE: September 9, 2021 

Dear Cigarette/Tobacco/Nicotine Stakeholders

The passage of HB 20-1001 required that all retailers of cigarettes, tobacco products, or nicotine products within the State of Colorado apply for a state cigarette/tobacco/nicotine retail license by July 1, 2021, in order to continue retail operations. The Division has been working tirelessly with stakeholders, local licensing authorities, public health officials, and industry members to ensure that our outreach and communication on this matter has been as thorough and forward-facing as possible. 

In an effort to provide education and voluntary compliance with the parameters of the new law, we have endeavored to provide applicants with a relief period in which overdue applications would not be considered an enforcement priority. However, we are drawing to the end of this “grace period” and will soon be fully investigating and enforcing the legal licensure requirements in order to ensure that we are assisting in achieving the public safety goals of the legislation, as it was implemented in July 2020. 

Pursuant to 44-7-106(1)(c)(I), C.R.S. – each individual sales transaction of these regulated products without a valid license application in place is subject to, at a minimum, a $1,000.00 fine, and further violations beyond the first unlicensed sale may rapidly result in the loss of retail sales abilities for a period of at least three (3) years. It is, therefore, of paramount importance that all cigarette/tobacco/nicotine product retailers submit their application materials to the Division no later than SEPTEMBER 30, 2021. Effective October 1, 2021, the Division will begin investigating and taking action against non-compliant retail entities in alignment with the laws and regulations we are tasked with following. 


There are two quick and easy ways to apply for your cigarette, tobacco product, and nicotine product license: online or by submitting a paper form. Access the applications by visiting https://sbg.colorado.gov/liquor-tobacco/tobacco. Once on the page, follow the prompts to either complete the online, or downloadable paper application. You will then be able to submit your cigarette, tobacco product, or nicotine product application following the directions on the website. 


The fee schedule for the license applications is found on the Division’s website at:https://sbg.colorado.gov/sites/sbg/files/documents/Nicotine_Fee_Schedule_5.24.21.pdf

To ensure that you are informed about changes and relevant information related to cigarette, tobacco, and nicotine products, be sure to sign up for industry and stakeholder bulletins at: https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/su/uDxjCEx/ledtobacco

The Division reserves the right to amend or withdraw industry bulletins at any time but will try to give as much forewarning as possible before any such amendment or withdrawal. 

As always, the Liquor Enforcement Division appreciates your diligence and support as we work together to keep Colorado communities safe and businesses thriving. 

Please reach out to: dor_led@state.co.us with any questions you may have regarding this bulletin. 

Colorado Liquor Enforcement Division