BULLETIN 21-02 Cigarette, Tobacco Product, and Nicotine Product Retail License Applications due by July 1, 2021.

Date: June 16, 2021

Dear Cigarette, Tobacco Product, and Nicotine Product Retailers, 

The Colorado Department of Revenue, Liquor and Tobacco Enforcement Division is providing this bulletin as a courtesy notification. Due to the passage of HB 20-1001, all retailers selling cigarettes, tobacco products, and nicotine products within the state will be required to apply to the Division for a license by July 1, 2021. All applications from retailers selling cigarettes, tobacco products, and nicotine products must be received by the Division by July 1, 2021 per Colorado law (See 44-7-104.5(2)(b)(I), C.R.S.).  

There are two ways to apply for your cigarette, tobacco product, and nicotine product license, online or by submitting a paper form

Access the applications by visiting https://sbg.colorado.gov/liquor-tobacco/tobacco. Once on the page, follow the prompts to either our online, or downloadable paper application. You will then be able to submit your cigarette, tobacco product, or nicotine product application following the directions within it.

To ensure that you are informed about changes and relevant information related to cigarette, tobacco, and nicotine products, be sure to sign up for industry and stakeholder bulletins at: https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/su/uDxjCEx/ledtobacco 

The fee schedule appears on the following page for ease of reference. Fees should be submitted with your application by following the application instructions.  

The Colorado Department of Revenue, Liquor and Tobacco Enforcement Division looks forward to serving you. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us by email at dor_ledtobacco@state.co.us or call us at 303-205-2300. 

Colorado Liquor and Tobacco Enforcement Division 

License Fees

Cigarette, Tobacco Product, or Nicotine Product Retailer License* ….………………….. $400.00*

(* - classifications include: On-Premises Retailer; Off-Premises Retailer; and Cigar Bar). 

Temporary License …………………………………………………………………………………….. $35.00 

Cigarette, Tobacco Product, or Nicotine Product Retailer License Renewal…………..... $400.00 

Large Operator License(s) ………………….……………………………………….….................. $400.00* 

(* - retailers who have 10 or more retail locations under the same corporate or business entity may apply, simultaneously and on one form, for licenses for all locations that sell tobacco/nicotine products. The large operator license fee, which is to be paid in one transaction regardless of number of licensed retail locations applied for, is to be calculated on a per-retail location basis in order to cover the direct and indirect costs of administration and enforcement of Article 7, Title 44, C.R.S.).  

Permit Fees 

Delivery Permit ………………………………………………………………………….….…… $250.00

Permit Renewal ……..…………………………………………………………….…….….. $250.00 

** - Please note that a waiver of $200.00 of this licensing fee is currently available for businesses who attest that they made $50,000.00 or less in gross revenues attributable to the sale of cigarettes, tobacco products, or nicotine products in the 2020 calendar year.