BULLETIN 21-01 Continuation of Regulation 47-1103; Communal Outdoor Dining Areas to Promote Social Distancing.

DATE: January 28, 2021 

Dear Liquor Stakeholders, 

The Division will be extending Regulation 47-1103; Communal Outdoor Dining Areas to Promote Social Distancing for another 120 days, at which time it will be reconsidered for additional extension. We have heard from our industry partners that these communal outdoor spaces are helpful, and we hope that the continuance of this Regulation provides some additional relief to our struggling businesses amid the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Please note that the substance of the Regulation remains unchanged, however, the references to the enabling executive orders have been updated to reflect the most current allowances in place.  

The Division reserves the right to amend or withdraw industry bulletins at any time but will try to give as much forewarning as possible before any such amendment or withdrawal. 

Please reach out to: dor_led@state.co.us with any questions you may have regarding this bulletin.

Colorado Liquor Enforcement Division