BULLETIN 20-22 Guidance on Executive Order D 2020-213

DATE: October 9, 2020

On Tuesday, October 6, Governor Jared Polis issued Executive Order D 2020-213, which aligns takeout sales of alcohol beverages with on-premises “last call” provisions that are in place due to the continuing COVID-19 pandemic. The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) may issue public health orders setting takeout and last call times to any time before 2:00 a.m, based on each county’s COVID-19 status under the “Safer at Home” orders. Amended Public Health Order PHO 20-35 aligns takeout privileges with last call times. Thus, the current framework is as follows: 

If your county is in safer at home level 1 status: sales for on-premises consumption and takeout of alcohol beverages must cease between 12:00 a.m. and 7: a.m. daily;  

If your county is in safer at home level 2 status:  sales for on-premises consumption and takeout of alcohol beverages must cease between 11:00 p.m. and 7: a.m. daily; 

If your county is in safer at home level 3 status: sales for on-premises consumption and takeout of alcohol beverages must cease between 10:00 p.m. and 7: a.m. daily.

For more information regarding what COVID-19 status any particular locality is in, please visit: https://covid19.colorado.gov/data/covid-19-dial/covid-19-dial-dashboard and/or contact your local licensing authority. 

Below are a few points of clarification:

  • Sales Rooms (wine, beer, and spirits) are included in the order;  
  • Delivery sales may continue until 2:00 a.m. for licensees who have such abilities, regardless of level status, or whether or not on-premises sales are allowed during any particular time frame;  
  • Takeout alcohol beverage sales must cease when sale for consumption on the licensed premises is scheduled to end.

The Liquor Enforcement Division thanks you for your continued efforts and cooperation in responsible alcohol beverage service.

The Division reserves the right to amend or withdraw industry bulletins at any time but will try to give as much forewarning as possible before any such amendment or withdrawal.  

Please reach out to: dor_led@state.co.us with any questions you may have regarding this bulletin. 

Colorado Liquor Enforcement Division