REFERENCE: Senate Bill 16-197 – Questions Regarding Transition to Full Strength Beer
DATE: October 31, 2018
Colorado Liquor Enforcement Division
On September 10, 2018, the Liquor Enforcement Division (Division) issued Bulletin 18-08, which provided information and guidance related to the transition to full strength beer taking effect on January 1, 2019, including changes in the definitions of malt liquor and fermented malt beverages (“FMB”) and other statutory changes. The bulletin communicated reasons why SB16-197 and SB18-243 do not allow the comingling of, and require segregation of and separate channels for, FMB and malt liquors for all license tiers, both before or after January 1, 2019.
Since the issuance of Bulletin 18-08, the Division has had meetings with several stakeholders that expressed major concerns regarding the impacts this will have on the industry, especially with respect to the logistics of effectively and efficiently getting their products to market. These impacts make it difficult for the industry to implement the necessary plans for a successful and competitive transition, and make it more difficult and expensive to have full strength beer in retail liquor stores, liquor-licensed drugstores, and fermented malt beverage retailers beginning January 1, 2019.
As stated in the Bulletin, the Division is committed to working with industry members in drafting a bill, with the goal of eliminating the statutory restrictions causing these impacts. Therefore, in order to allow time for legislation to be introduced and enacted, if possible, to alleviate the impacts addressed above, until February 1, 2019, the Division will not make it a priority to enforce the issues addressed in the third part of Bulletin 18-08, concerning the segregation of, and separate channels for, FMB and malt liquors,.
If you have any questions about this bulletin, please contact the LED at 303-205-2306.
Colorado Liquor and Tobacco Enforcement Division
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