REFERENCE: Fee Changes
DATE: February 9, 2018
Colorado Liquor Enforcement Division
The Colorado Liquor Enforcement Division (LED) is providing this bulletin to notify the liquor industry of upcoming changes to liquor application fees to be effective March 5, 2018.
Due to statutory requirements, the LED will be decreasing specific application fees effective March 5, 2018 in order to decrease the projected reserve fund balance. The LED is conducting an analysis of the fee reduction and will provide specific details of the exact fee amounts no later than February 23, 2018.
The LED will file the respective rule making request through the Colorado Secretary of State for both emergency and permanent rules. The LED will continue to update the industry to the progress of the fee reduction and rule making information.
Once the reserve fund balance is reduced to meet budgetary needs, the LED expects to increase the fees in order to maintain a level funding.
If you have any questions about this bulletin, please contact the LED at 303-205-2306.
Colorado Liquor and Tobacco Enforcement Division
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