Approved Responsible Vendors Training

PLEASE NOTE: The Liquor Enforcement Division (LED) does NOT ACCEPT online Responsible Vendor Training.

Allowed "Responsible Vendor" training must either be done in a "Classroom Setting" or "Live Streaming" where the student and instructor have live interaction.

If you are unsure the training you want to take meets our qualifications, please contact us at DOR_LED@state.co.us.


LED Approved Vendors List


List of Vendors has filed evidence of compliance with the Standards for a Seller Server Training Program


Alcohol Beverage Training (Available State-wide and approved for Live Streaming)

Patrick Maroney, Trainer

P.O. Box 998

Johnstown, CO 80534

Phone: 303-710-3424

Email: patrick@alcoholbeveragetraining.com

Website: AlcoholBeverageTraining.com


Colorado Complete Compliance

Cil Schutz

6050 Stetson Hills Boulevard, Suite 272

Colorado Springs, CO80923

Phone: 719-377-0452

Email: cocompletecompliance@gmail.com

Website: www.cocompletecompliance.com   (https://www.cocompletecompliance.com/)


Colorado Independent Liquor Stores Association

Bruce Dierking

PO Box 9241

Denver, CO 80209

Phone: 720-299-7398

Email: b.dierking@hazelsworld.com

Website: www.coloradoliquorstores.com


Dynamic Learning, Inc.

ServSafe Alcohol

Maureen McNamara

Email: Maureen@DynamicLearningInc.com


LIQUOR - An Alcohol Server Training (Available state-wide)

Jeff Malchow

P.O. Box 539

Fraser, CO 80442

Phone: 970-480-1002

E-mail: jmalchow@liquorclasses.com

Website: www.liquorclasses.com


Reserving (Approved for Live Streaming)

s Hannah Olsem

101 Egan Ave N, PO Box 192

Madison, SD 57042

Phone: 605-427-2000

E-mail: support@Rserving.com

Website: www.Rserving.com/co



The Genesee Group (Approved for Live Streaming)

Jonathon Noller 

14244 Beauly Cir.

Hudson, Pasco, Florida 34667

Phone: 303-503-7481

E-mail: jcn.crvbt@gmail.com


Tom Regan Responsible Vendor Training (Available State-Wide and approved for Live Streaming)

Tom Regan

251 Buckthorn Road

New Castle, CO 81647

Phone: 970-948-9127

E-mail: team-regan@hotmail.com

Website: tomreganconsulting.com


Town of Frederick Police Department

Police Office Ester Collins

333 5th St

Frederick, CO80530

Phone: 720-382-5700

E-mail: ecollins@frederickco.gov


Town of Vail Police Department

Detective Greg Schwartz

75 South Frontage Road West

Vail, CO81631

Phone: 970-479-2200

E-mail: gschwartz@vailgov.com


Training Classes in English & Spanish

Lucero's Liquor Licensing Service

Lawrence Lucero

2840 South Circle Drive C

Colorado Springs, CO 80906

Phone: 719-355-0397

E-mail: lucerosliqlicserv@yahoo.com